Fireflies and faithful friends?
Don’t you love them? We watch and wait for them every summer. For me, fireflies and friends go together like barbeques, campfires, and boat rides around winding lakes that never seem to end. These are a few of my favorite things. Each has a way of taking my mind off the scorching heat. They remind me of carefree summer days when I rode my mountain bike through forbidden cornfields. We hiked and climbed waterfalls or waded through frigid streams till dusk. I’d pick roses and tiger lilies in fields that rolled on toward a fiery horizon. All was well in my world when presidential candidates and global news paled in comparison to the lure of the mystery of fireflies and faithful friends.
Boating & mountain lakes Biking and hiking Mountain streams
The Mystery
Maybe you’ve heard me say the most meaningful things in life aren’t so mysterious. Lately, long days in the salon or office suck the smile right off my face. I could blame the germ-fighting mask I’m wearing or the lack of social closeness, but it doesn’t matter. Things are different these days. Clients, friends, and family are suffering insurmountable losses. Money comes and goes. We can’t bring back the dead. Revelations regarding life’s unexpected twists and turns emerge when I look to heaven. All my riches are stored there. I believe it’s where life’s greatest mysteries will unfold. And so, today I am reminded to:
- Love deeper
- Laugh harder
- Share more time
- Treat people the way I hope to be treated
- Forgive as I hope to be forgiven
Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and thieves do not break in and steal.
Matthew 6:19-20 ESV

Behold! I tell you a mystery. We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed.
1 Corinthians 15:51 ESV
Friends and fireflies
A faithful friend is like your best umbrella. They will cover you and stand beside you in the rain. They’ll help us up when we fall. He or she will light the way when daylight fades, or we’re lost and afraid. Like fireflies illuminate the night with their heavenly glow, a true friend’s heart will be natural to know. Though rare, these friendships have the power to bring out the best in us—and may lead us to a closer relationship with God. In good times and bad, fellowship matters. Breaking bread with kindred spirits is like going to church—even if it’s in small groups or via Zoom or Facetime.
A sweet friendship refreshes the soul.
Proverbs 27:9

Mysteriously free to be
Life isn’t about storing things that take up space in my basement or garage. The stress of wasting time sorting through stuff I haven’t used in decades overwhelms carefree souls like me. Instead, I want to give it all away. Simple pleasures like pulling weeds, reading a book out on the deck, bird-watching, talking to hummingbirds and deer, or seeing our dogs and grandchildren run amuck through a soaking lawn sprinkler make better uses of my time any day.
Like facial serums, these things fill my soul and soften my smile—While I’m not thrilled I’m alone in my nature-loving endeavors most of the time, it’s who I am. Communion with God’s Holy Spirit matters to me. This counseling helper sends fireflies and faithful friends to light even the darkest summer nights. I’m thankful he calls me friend too. I’m mysteriously free to be. And this means so much more to me these days.
I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you may have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.
John 16:33 ESV
Our umbrella in the rain Deer & firefly friends Faithful friends Sprinkler fun in the sun
Light of the world
God promised us friendship, unconditional love, and abundant life—if we believe and endure in his way until the end. We expect abundance and think joy is the absence of sorrow. God endured the fall of man and angels, and the death of his son, Jesus, who became flesh and bone and blood only to carry my (and your) sins to a horrific cross. . . All this, so we could live as friends till no end. You may ask, “Is this what grace looks like? How can it be so ugly?”
My answer will never waiver. Grace, like joy, is not the absence of sorrow. It’s the gift of unending tomorrows.
Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”
John 8:12 ESV

Dear friends,
In these times of health crisis, social unrest, or political upheaval, there’s still a way we can each change the world. We can choose to be counted as examples who live and practice what the Bible teaches and Jesus Christ preached.
His Father, God, calls us to honor every life, be givers of grace and mercy, and to also be like his son, Jesus: The only light in this dark world. We must stand as men and women of integrity. Love all people unconditionally.
What if we stop listening to news media for a day and look up for answers from the one who hung the stars in the sky and called them by name? He knows our fears, concerns, and sorrows. In him, we can understand some of the deepest mysteries of life…and maybe even a little bit about the mystery of fireflies and faithful friends.
Has a friend ever let you down? Have you ever thought about the mysteries of fireflies and faithful friends? Please don’t forget to join the conversation here in the Inspire A Fire comments section below. I’d love to hear your thoughts on this subject.
If you would like to read more of my stories on IAF or look for my quirky Dreamdove’s Flights of Fancy blog: or look for me on FB, Instagram, Twitter, and Goodreads.
Want to know more about the mysteries of life during this trying time? If so, please feel free to share The Mystery of Fireflies And Faithful Friends. After all, a little good news can go a long way these days. Wishing you love, blessings, and light for your journey.
~ Joann
Special Thanks to Pixabay for use of all free images: Feature image by RondellMelling. Gallery #1: TL image by Andyman11, TM image by Tookapic, TR image by Otodex, Bottom image by Lernestorod. Large single image by oollo. Large single image by StarFlames. Gallery #2: TL image by Photosforyou, TM image by 11388637, TR image by AdinaVoicu, Bottom image by eliza28diamonds. Large single image by dimitrisvetsikas1969
Another Great Read!
Thanks, Janet. Interesting subject, right? God is good.
Beautiful friend, loved this!!! Let’s go for a walk!!
Talk to you soon❤️????????
Thank you, Lisa. God is good. I love how he created complex creatures to light our nights! I’m thankful for faithful friends (like you) to love and walk through storms and explore life’s mysteries together.
Such good reminders to look up for our peace, our help and our joy. This world will disappoint every time, but He never will. Our hope and ever present help is in Jesus.
Nice post – love your insight.
I totally agree. The world disappoints, but He never will! Amen. I pray He always reminds me where my hope and help comes from. Thanks and blessings for your kind word here, Connoe.
Nothing is as sad as losing a good friend to go through good and bad times but you are right -God is always there. Thank goodness
Good and bad. Friends (and sisters) till no end . . . Miss you. Yes. I agree. I’m so thankful God is always there and accepts me as I am— at my lowest wits end or in happiest mountain top experiences. Messy popcorn cruncher and boot heel clunker that I am. Lol.
I’ll take the popcorn cruncher and heel clunker any day rather than be without my best friend!!
Now THAT’S unconditional love…Lol. Hope to see you soon.