Searching for Bald Eagles
Every year, we take my mom on a birdwatching excursion for her birthday. There is a wildlife refuge on the Gulf of Mexico which isn’t too far from us. We pack picnic lunches, bring binoculars, and tune up our vision so we can catch glimpses of rarely seen birds.
My favorite bird to search for is the bald eagle. Native to all fifty states, this predatory bird has an average wingspan of two yards and soars to heights of ten-thousand feet. Making its living as a scavenger, these eagles are known to sit motionless on high perches, searching for opportunities to catch or scour for food.
On our birdwatching treks, finding eagle nests in tall trees is a favorite pastime. One year we located six nests fixed atop dead snags, two with bald eagles present. We pulled the car over, zoomed cameras, and marveled at the discovery.
Up Close and Personal
Twice in the last week, I’ve had close encounters with bald eagles without being on a birdwatching adventure. My sons and I parked beside a local lake to listen to the ducks and watch the anhinga while we ate lunch. Seemingly out of nowhere, a full-grown bald eagle flew down and snatched a fish from the water. Our jaws dropped as we all shouted, “Bald eagle!”
The second encounter was on my way home from grocery shopping. I topped the hill in a forested area and cautiously dodged a pothole. As I came down the hill, a large bird swooped, and I nearly hit it. When the bird flew off, I realized I had narrowly missed a bald eagle. He majestically caught air under his wings and floated to a nearby perch. I smiled at the blessing of seeing him up close and personal.
A Protected Species
While I drove home, I considered the bald eagle and his situation. Does he know how special and rare he is? That he represents our country? Or that he’s chosen? Set apart? Protected?
Beginning in 1940, when the bald eagles were close to extinction, Congress passed the Bald Eagle Protection Act. Adding the Golden Eagle to the protective list in 1962, these birds have been set apart and guarded for decades—whether they even realized it or not.
We, too, are a protected species. Those of us who have called on the name of the Lord and surrendered to a life of following him are his chosen, set apart, and guarded children. We are special. Whether we recognize it or not.
Holy, Set Apart
In the beginning, God had a goal for the salvation and ultimate protection of his children. Even then, he had a plan for Jesus to come to earth, live a life in human flesh, and die as a payment for the sins of the world. Because he died, we get to live. Whether we realize it or not, we are loved, protected, and set apart because of Jesus.
“But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.” 1 Peter 2:9 (ESV)
Whether we understand, acknowledge, or recognize it in the moment, nothing negates the fact that we are a protected, cherished, loved, and set apart people. There’s nothing we can do to change this fact. He will never love us any more or any less than he does right now. His great love made a way for us to be his special people. His cherished ones. Beloved. Holy.
And just like the bald eagle who represents our country, we too are representatives of Christ. We are lights, stationed in a dark world, as beacons for those who have lost their way. Do we realize the grave importance of this role and responsibility? Like we searched for eagles, the world is searching for truth. They are watching. Waiting. Anxious to catch a glimpse of authenticity.
In New Testament writings, followers of Christ are often referred to as saints. A saint is someone set apart for God’s special purposes (1). God deems us holy. Our identity is not that of a common wren or blue bird. We aren’t hummingbirds or robins. Instead, we are God’s chosen ones—bald eagles of the faith.
We aren’t accidents. There was no coincidence to us coming to the saving knowledge of Christ. Before time began, he wanted each of us. So often though, just like the bald eagles, we forget how special we are to our Heavenly Father. We convince ourselves that we don’t matter, and he doesn’t hear our cries.
But we are under the Heavenly Protection Act. Chosen. Set apart. Protected. Because he loves us.
Have you come to the place where your life belongs to him?
Have you turned from your sin and given yourself in full surrender to Christ?
He died so that you might fully live. Under his sweet protective arm.
As saints.
For more on being chosen: A Christian is Chosen – Inspire A Fire
© Copyright Christy Bass Adams, 2024
All images from Canva
All eagle facts retrieved from,,
Thank you for reminding me I am chosen and protected by God, just like the magnificent Bald Eagle.
“The world is searching for truth. They are watching. Waiting. Anxious to catch a glimpse of authenticity.” Well said, Christy.
What a neat message, Christy. Thanks and God bless!
Great message. When you see one of those huge birds up close, it’s unforgettable.