Reflections on the linguistics of snow and the sound snow makes. Also, God. You may have heard that Eskimo languages have more words for snow than the English language. Because I try not to share
Read moreThe Sound of Snow

Reflections on the linguistics of snow and the sound snow makes. Also, God. You may have heard that Eskimo languages have more words for snow than the English language. Because I try not to share
Read more“Ahoy, crew! Today we continue discussing how Skipper’s Scripture be the food we need fer the body and soul and the one thing every Christian must do ter sail true. But first, a ter tickle
Read moreWe love Him because He first loved us. 1 John 4:19 KJV In our relationship with God, Jesus is the initiator. Not only did He first die for us when we were sinners, He desires
Read moreBeginnings. We all have them. The beginning of the day. The beginning of a job. The beginning of a book … a game … a project. Endings. We all have them. The ending of a
Read more***(Did you know February 5th is a special day?)*** “Mora, whet me wead you a story.” My 3-year-old grand-girl Emory climbs onto the couch, and pats the space beside her. “Sit here, pwease.” And I
Read moreBefore the first wave ever crashed ashore—afore the stars blinked on in the sky, the first ship set sail—the Son was. He be the Word of Skipper—the true author of God’s word—and through the Son
Read moreHe appeared from nowhere and then reappeared again. I came to love the togetherness. Togetherness with Family Christmas break gave some of our grandboys extended time to stay with us for a few days here
Read moreHave you ever felt like your prayers were bouncing off the ceiling? Do you struggle deciding if it’s your own voice in your head or if it’s God’s? Do you want to learn to hear
Read moreHave you ever made a grown-up list? One of those wish-lists since you started adulting of what you really need in life—what matters most. What if we made a grown-up list for the new year?
Read moreSpiritual Warfare Strategies: Guarding Your Front Lines Our first line of defense in spiritual warfare is our front line. Maintaining strong spiritual defenses is one of the most essential spiritual warfare strategies for guarding against
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