From the Senior Editor. . .I’d like to personally welcome you to Inspire a Fire where we hope you’ll find inspiration to effectively change your world. Every one of us has the power to change our own lives, encourage others to change their lives, and affect our personal spheres of influence for the kingdom of God. It’s my desire as Senior Editor of Inspire a Fire to provide you, our readers, with the tools to do these things. But I can’t do it alone.
This site is made up of faithful writers who have, for the past several years, given of their time, talents, and faithful service to our God, to make this place a source of strength and encouragement. Glean through our site. Get to know our writers. Read their words and visit their personal sites. Soak in the inspiration and allow a fire to ignite in your own heart. Fan the flames and allow the joy of service to spread to others.
To contact our staff, please email Senior Editor, Diana Flegal, at dianaflegal@gmail.com, or Executive Editor, Eddie Jones, at WritersCoach.us@gmail.com. For more information see our submission guidelines.
Thank you so much for visiting our site.

From our Senior Editor Emeritus. . . Thanks to all our readers and writers who helped us grow Inspire A Fire into one of the Kingdom’s premier Christian publications.Â
Thanks for your response. This website is for encouragement. We’d like to see your article. Glean through the other articles and see how we do them. You can submit to cindyksproles@gmail.com. Subject line InspireaFire Submission.