At Inspire a Fire, we hope that you will experience the power of one (you) plus God and find the inspiration to ignite your world. We want to motivate and encourage you to recognize that you are God’s image bearer and discover His purpose for your life. Once you know who you are in Christ and what God created you to do, your passion for life will encourage others to find their own spark within, thus igniting the flame and passing it on, changing the world around you.
We believe that popularity is pointless. All that matters is impacting the world for Christ.
We believe one person has the power to make a huge difference in the world and eternity.
Sometimes it only takes one match, one spark, to ignite an inferno of change.
That begins with us.
To whome it may concern,
My name is Krisie Gallan. I have been going to church for 2 years now and I am in love with Jesus/God and His word. Their is nothing better in this world to read. Why I am reaching out is I wanted to ask if you have any unique and inspiring tracts/books or word of the gospel you could spare, since i am on social assistance and make very little income, I would very much appreciate it. 🙏
Thank you for your time and consideration
Sincerely Krisie Gallan
438 rt.132 Bonaventure Quebec Canada G0C1E0