In the beginning…
God created the heavens and the earth. Maybe that’s why there’s something magical about the way winter’s first snowflakes swirl and dance with the wind before they touch the ground. I’ve wondered if each magnificent ice crystal might signify the beginning of all things new. While delicate and unique, snowflakes can represent the fragility of life—and yet I welcome the possibility of frostbite as I anticipate building towering snowmen or the thrill of winter sports like skiing, sledding, and snowmobiling. Aromas of hot chocolate, hearty soups or stews, and telling fireside stories only add to the wave of joy that envelopes me the moment I see white flakes fall from the sky. Snowy visions and fluffy wool blankets can evoke a sense of calm and comfort for weary moms and dads—or major excitement for kids, eighteen-month-old Irish Setter pups, and me. Maybe it’s all part of the mystery of winter’s wonder and the beginning of all things new.
The awe of hope, faith, and all things new
God, like the dormancy of winter, can be quiet, still, or unchanging for a time, and yet only he knows the beginning and end of all that lives. With 2020 behind us, we hope for better times. In faith, many pray and believe in answered prayers…even those that don’t go our way. A new day and a new year usher out old ways and open doors for us to move on to brighter tomorrows.
“When God gives us a new beginning, it sometimes starts with an ending we don’t understand. I’m learning to be thankful for the blessing of closed doors. They often lead us to a new one.”
Me ~ JC
With that said, I am thankful he has given me the present to look back on all the blessings my family received in 2020. Although it started out with the tragic event of my husband’s near-fatal heart attack and months of rehabilitation, we’re thankful to have celebrated another white Christmas together. God’s Word (the Bible) tells me my days are numbered. Nothing and no one can alter his plan. He alone can make all things new again.
“Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers and desert.”
Isaiah 43:19 (ESV)
Mysteriously stuck in the middle of mediocrity?
While it’s true not everyone cares to change the world or live deliberately, some work hard at doing nothing at all. Mysteriously stuck in the middle of mediocrity? No. Please, don’t let that be me. I want to answer God’s call on my life—to work harder, give my best, and to do new things.
“Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.”
2 Corinthians 5:17 (ESV)
Solving the puzzle of resolve, resolute, and resolutions…Oh my.
I’ve decided. I’m determined. I promised myself. I won’t promise to do anything I’ll fail at doing ever again—I hope. Without making resolutions, I resolve to be a better me in 2021. Here’s what that means: To solve this puzzle, I’ll seek to see God‘s purpose for me—for He alone is worthy of all of me.
- Escape my comfort zone and embrace his.
- Take responsibility for my failures.
- Fight and face my fears head on.
- Think out of the world’s box.
- Imagine and inspire like the people I admire.
“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”
Romans 12:2 (ESV)
Remembering yesterday’s stories
Frigid January nights warm my soul with thoughts of a few thousand cherished days of childhood and the family who made it worth remembering. Ordinary people in not so extraordinary places—now all part of my life story. I often revisit those remembrances, if only in my dreams. Perhaps that’s where clues or missing pieces of the puzzle we call life hide. And maybe, in the quietness of a winter night’s slumber, the meaning of the mystery of winter’s wonder and the beginning of all things new might be revealed.
*This is my first 2-part mystery series post EVER! Look for part 2 of The Mystery of Winter’s Wonder and the Beginning of all Things New, Friday (1/8/2021). :0
Dear friends,
Happy New Year! I hope my first post of 2021 finds you blessed, in good health, and enjoying the beauty of winter’s wonder and the beginning of all things new. I’m thankful we can anticipate many new beginnings this year. I pray the scriptures and quotes I’ve included (*my first 2-part post) inspire you to seek a closer relationship with our creator and to be a blessing to others on your journey.
Have you ever wondered about winter’s wonder or how some clues about life’s mysteries remain hidden in the beginning—and quietest season of each year? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the Inspire A Fire comments section below this post. Read all my IAF stories here, or check out my Dreamdove’s Flights of Fancy blog here. *See additional links (highlighted in red or blue) throughout post above.
With the craziness of the 2020 election and much needed joy of the holidays behind us, let’s look ahead to a brigther new year. Wishing you good health, joy, and child-like wonder for your journey…
Special thanks to PIXABAY for use of all FREE images: Feature image by jplenio. G1TL image by Free-Photos, TC image by mystraysoul, TR image by Leunert. Bottom Lg image by gamagapix. Single Lg image by smarko. G2TL image by David Mark, TC image by Free-Photos, TR image by Manfred Antranias Zimmer. Bottom image by Olya Adamovich. Single Lg image by Bonnie Kolarik.
Joann, truly inspirational, Another must read story!
Again, Read, Like, Comment and Share with Family and Friends!
Thanks and love…Happy New Year!!! I hope this inspired you to come see some snow. :0
So beautifully written. You are such an inspiration to me .❤️ Thanks Joanne
Thanks to people like you who inspire me…I miss you. God is good. Uncovering good news hidden beneath the muck of everyday yuck is good for the soul!
Your insight is wonderful
I wish (strive) to be as optimistic as you
I do see that God really helps you do that
Love you so much
Can you imagine if I didn’t have God? Oh boy! Look out…LOVE.
You might just convince me to like winter.????
Inspiring post!
YAY!!! I’m so happy to hear that, Connie. In all truth, the quiet of winter and the beauty of snowflakes falling always lead me to see many things differently. Leave it to God to show us his glory…All we have to do is look for it.
Living with purpose…that seems to be a theme God is pouring out now. That was our message Sunday morning at church and even in our Wednesday night prayer service we couldn’t get away from that theme. Purpose…but God’s purpose!! Thank you again Joann for a wonderful and anointed word!! Love you!
Thanks to God. He is so good…I love how he spreads his word across the earth. This is our purpose. He is our purpose. Life is good. I’m thankful he alone can make all things new. Love…