Thank Friday It’s God

It’s true actions speak louder than words, but some words are an act of faith and mercy unto themselves. Take some time to listen, and repeat, what God the Father says about you. “This is (______), my beloved, in whom I am well pleased.”

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Dominoes and D-Day

by Ron Estrada This week marks the 70th anniversary of the Allied invasion of Normandy, otherwise known as D-day. When I was a younger man, days like this filled me with patriotic pride. Our brave

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Heaven or Hell

Today I’d like to pose a question. Where do you live? No, I’m not talking about your address, town, state or even country. The question I’m asking has to do with your spiritual address. Let me be a little more specific.

Are you living in Hell or in Heaven?

Bear with me while I give you some background on why I’m asking such an unusual question. I recently heard a statement that I can’t get out of mind. It’s stayed with me, influencing the way I view things. Tighten your seatbelt, I predict it may shake your world a bit, too.

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