Contentment is a new skill I’m learning to develop. Like any new skill, it requires frequent repetition, trial and error.
Read moreLearning contentment

Contentment is a new skill I’m learning to develop. Like any new skill, it requires frequent repetition, trial and error.
Read moreEach of us possesses a leadership role. Regardless of our official title, we each have the ability to lead and direct the atmosphere and environment around us. Whatever task rests on your shoulders let these 25 leadership quotes, encourage and empower you to strive to be the best version of yourself.
Read moreWhen Christ moves Into neighborhood lives are changed. Imagine the potential impact if we lived out the call to show our neighbors Christ.
Read moreMessy lives. Messy relationships. Messy problems. God is present in the middle of our mess. Messy piles of problems surrounded this year. Like a mental game of the wooden block building game, I picked up
Read moreCreased from multiple folding, my daughter tucked her class schedule into her back pocket. She and my husband are off to her 9th-grade orientation. August is a month of eager expectation for friendships. In honor
Read moreBy April Dawn White I am blessed to live in an area of the country with four distinct seasons. Garden flags, front door wreaths, and table quilted table runners are displayed for their specific season.
Read moreBy April White In life, showing up is half the battle. I pulled into the parking lot of my small but efficient fitness facility open 24/7. As I stepped out of the car, an exasperated
Read more~By April Dawn White Despite my daughters resting position, white enamel drums chattered as I checked her temperature, 103.1°F. My fingers gently swept the hair away from her crimson face as I whispered, “Honey, brush
Read moreThe campfire curled and crackled sending warm gusts to those circled around the fire. This was the final Wednesday night youth gathering before everyone separated for the summer. A buzz of excitement and anticipation rippled
Read moreRubbing the sleep from his eyes, my son asked, “Mom, did you draw this card?” “No,” I replied, setting down the syrup next to his stack of fourteen pancakes. Examining the card, Andrew asked, “So
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