God is Present In the Middle of Our Mess

God is Present in the Middle of our Mess

Messy lives. Messy relationships. Messy problems.

God is present in the middle of our mess.

Messy piles of problems surrounded this year. Like a mental game of the wooden block building game, I picked up the pieces to rebuild what tumbled at my feet. Mess by mess, I lifted each area in prayer and surrendered it before the Lord.

Perhaps you can relate. Do you ever stare at your messy piles of life and wonder, Lord, what in the world?

Despite my biggest effort to keep my eyes fixed on Jesus, my hooded green eyes continue to scan for the piles of bills, displaced relationships, discouragement, parenting insecurity, and heartache.  God met me in the middle of my mess and reminded me of who He is and that I am not alone

God is With Us

I am thankful God is still Immanuel, “God with Us.” God’s name, Immanuel is not reserved for the Nativity story only but is a promise that no matter what we go through God is with us. (Matthew 11:23)

The Lord is There

Not only am I thankful God is with me in the middle of my mess. I am also thankful for Jehovah Shammah; “The Lord is There” is there in my future. (Ezekiel 48:35)

The Lord is there waiting for my questioning heart. He is there in my unknown future.  I do not know what the future holds, but I can trust that Jehovah Shammah is there.

The Lord is Our Rear Guard

I love this verse from the prophet Isaiah, “for the Lord will go before you, the God of Israel will be your rear guard (Isaiah 52:12).” Isaiah reminds us God goes before us (Jehovah Shammah) and He is our rear guard.  God has us protected on both sides, coming and going.

King David penned a similar phrase in Psalm 139:5, “You hem me in behind and before, and you lay your hand upon me.”

The Lord Surrounds Us

God’s Presence is always with us. He is with us in the here and now (Immanuel); He is our Rear Guard and He is in our future (Jehovah Shammah). The Lord goes before us and God sandwiches us in between the layers of the Trinity.

“The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” (Deuteronomy 31:8)

“Let your unfailing love surround us, Lord, for our hope is in you alone.” (Psalm 33:22, NLT)

God is Present in the Middle of our Mess

Dear friend, regardless of the mess, you are facing; you are not alone. You have a loving Heavenly Father who is with you in the here and now, who already has your future planned, and who is your rear guard. Problems might surround you, but our God surrounds our problems even more. Our hope is in Christ alone and His unfailing love that has us surrounded.

By April Dawn White

April Dawn White

April White is a pharmacist who dispenses spiritual medicine for a healthy soul. She is quick to say she doesn't have it all together but relies on the One who does. Drag your chair next to April's red chair and allow hope and encouragement to infuse your heart. April has a BS degree in biology from James Madison University and a Doctor of Pharmacy degree from Shenandoah University. Email April or visit her at www.AprilDawnWhite.com

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