by Nan Jones @NanJonesAuthor
It was unthinkable.
A mother’s heart torn with absolute anguish. A baby boy crying incessantly while being lowered in a bulrush basket through the tall, swaying reeds into the great Nile River.
To save his life, the mother had to let Moses go — let him go into the purposes of God.
Sometimes we have to let go of our reins, and trust fully in the love and sovereignty of the Lord to move us into His plan and purpose for our lives — even when it doesn’t make sense.
Over time, His sovereignty has become a sure place for me. It comforts me to rest there and know that He is Ruler over all things, that He orchestrates the days of my life, putting all the pieces together for my good.

That is a remarkable thought.
But it requires letting go of our reins.
Think of this with regard to Moses:
Pharoah’s plan of destruction was death by river.
God’s plan of purpose was life by river.
Isn’t the juxtaposition remarkable?
What Satan intended for evil, the Lord God used for good. God hasn’t changed. The same God that orchestrated the days of Moses’ life, orchestrates ours. Even when I don’t understand what He is doing and even when destruction from the hand of the enemy lies all about me, I can still trust the Sovereign Lord.
He is a good God. He is faithful. He sees all, knows all, and weaves our lives into a beautiful woven cloth of purpose.
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I can imagine Moses’ mother rushing away from the riverbank, holding her face in her hands, tears streaking uncontrollably as she fell victim to the unthinkable. And then, I believe as she cried out to God in her pain, the Lord instructed her to have her daughter stand on the river’s edge and keep an eye on Moses. It wasn’t long before the daughter of Pharaoh came down to bathe at the river and discovered him hidden in the reeds.
The Lord had already provided a piece of this puzzle — His plan was in place: Moses’ sister standing guard on the riverbank.
Pharaoh’s daughter exclaimed, “This is one of the Hebrew children!” to which Moses’ sister said, “Shall I go and call a nurse for you from the Hebrew women that she may nurse the child for you?”
And Pharaoh’s daughter said to her, “Go.'”So the maiden went and called the child’s mother. Then Pharaoh’s daughter said to her, “Take this child away and nurse him for me…” ~ Exodus 2:5-9
Moses’ mother remained as an integral part of her son’s life. As he lay at her breast nursing, potentially for three or four years, his mother was able to pour the tenets of the Hebrews’ faith into Moses. She could safely instruct him in the ways of the Lord.

And when he became a man, he did not depart from it.
Moses led the children of God out of the chains of bondage into the Promised Land.
God’s Sovereignty.
Yes, it’s a sure place, but it requires letting go of the reins and trusting when nothing makes sense.
Moses’ mother surrendered her anguish to the peace that wanted to rise — the peace born of trusting the God in whom she believed.
The peace from letting go of the reins and placing them in the sure place of God’s sovereignty.
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