Two summers ago I attended my first Grand Prix Race and discovered several lessons I’d like to share with you.
- It pays to know the lay of the land before you set out
This being my first time at the Grand Prix Race I wandered a bit before finding a great seat on Turn 2. Lesson? Know where you’re headed. Be prepared.
- Unless you want to be lapped in the race and come in last, don’t tap your brakes before Turn 2
Every time a certain driver approached Turn 2 of the race he slowed down before proceeding. Lesson? If we expect to win the race God’s set before us, we shouldn’t back off when the going looks frightening.
- Cautions are a time to clean the race track
When the yellow flag came out the race track was cleared of debris. Lesson? There are times when junk gets spewed over our path that can do serious damage if we don’t stop and remove it.
- Just because we won the race yesterday doesn’t mean we’ll win today
The driver who won the Grand Prix race on Saturday ran into a wall of tires and was the first driver to leave the race Sunday on lap two. Lesson? The great things we accomplished yesterday are history. Today is the present we are given to keep doing the great things God has planned for us. There’s no guarantee we’ll have a tomorrow. Do it today.
Every Grand Pix Race driver needs a pit crew
I believe this goes without saying. Lesson? We all need a support group. Not only a group who assist us physically with the flat tires of life and add gasoline when we’re running on fumes, but especially a pit crew of prayer warriors.
- Even when you’re down 5 laps don’t give up
Our cautious driver from a previous point never gave up. Lesson? Don’t give up. Never, never give up. Keep fighting. Stay in the race until the checkered flag flies.
- You’ve got to finish the race to win the Grand Prix
Two of my favorite Grand Prix drivers hit the wall and left the race. One was knocked out on the final lap AAAGGGHHH! Lesson? It doesn’t matter how many times you’re in the lead, you’ve got to finish the race to win.
- Everybody has a fan
At the end of the race fans cheered for every single car that passed the grand stands. Lesson? At the end of the day, our greatest fan is Jesus who claps and cheers us on every second of every day.
So, there you have it. Lessons learned from my Grand Prix Race summer adventure.
What have you found helps keep you on track in this race we call Life?
I wish you well.