Erasing the Blackboard Ah, the black felt eraser. In the days before overhead projectors, computers, and smart boards, how many of you raised your hand and asked your teacher if you could erase the blackboard?
Read moreGod’s Eraser

Erasing the Blackboard Ah, the black felt eraser. In the days before overhead projectors, computers, and smart boards, how many of you raised your hand and asked your teacher if you could erase the blackboard?
Read moreSuperior Have you ever held onto something you once felt was superior to all others, yet over time, it needed to be replaced because it was either broken, outdated, or obsolete? Perhaps it was an
Read moreGot the Blues? This time of year can be beastly for so many, for so many reasons. Especially if we’ve got the blues. Have you noticed that? Perhaps you’ve even experienced it for yourself. It
Read morePriming the Pump Although my South Georgia grandparents had indoor plumbing, they also had an outdoor hand pump on their back porch. As someone who grew up in the suburbs of Washington, D. C., that
Read moreAre Our Lamps Trimmed and Burning? The inspiration for this post is the Spiritual, “Keep Your Lamps Trimmed and Burning”. Slaves sang this song as a reminder that they must stay alert amid distraction, danger,
Read moreControl What We Can Control During a prolonged drought-causing oppressive heat wave that hit our area of Texas last summer, I learned several things. The most important, I believe, is that we can only control
Read morePursued or Stalked? Lately, I’ve considered the difference between the words pursued and stalked. They are synonyms, but in my mind, they have two very different meanings. Pursued When my son was in elementary school
Read moreProdigal Last month, I wrote about Samuel’s mother, Hannah. Today, I’d like to look at the prodigal son’s father. When you hear the word prodigal, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? Wayward? Lost?
Read moreLessons From Hannah As we celebrate our mothers here in the United States, there are many lessons we can learn from Hannah, the prophet Samuel’s mother. She arrived on the scene at a time in
Read moreSurrender to God’s Plan Sometimes we are called to surrender our loved ones to God’s plan for him to work in their lives. This surrender may be difficult. Especially when God’s plan may not seem
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