When the heat begins beating down nothing is more refreshing than a shady spot under a sprawling oak tree with an iced coffee in one hand and a can’t-put-it-down kind of book in the other. Below are five reads that are sure to offer some respite on these hot sultry days:
Roots and Sky: A Journey Home in Four Seasons, Christie Purifoy: Christie’s lyrical voice makes this read one of the most delightful I’ve come across this year. She pulls you into her world quickly, into that beautiful big house on the hill. The four seasons displayed in this book will fly by as it will be hard to lay this one down.
An Unhurried Life: Following Jesus’ Rhythm for Work and Rest, Alan Fadling: This book won the 2014 Christianity Today Book Award of Merit Winner (Spirituality). Alan admits he is a recovering speed addict but he doesn’t leave it there. He goes on to share his journey of how he left a life of speed behind him, embracing the rhythms of Jesus. If you’re searching for a way to balance your calling and the call to rest, this is a must read.
Gifts from the Sea, Anne Morrow Lindbergh: This book was written over a quarter of a century ago but her melodical words remain relevant and ever soothing to the worn weary soul. It’s mostly considered to be a gift book but my copy has handwritten notes throughout. Oh, the beauty of a gifted writer.
I hope you’ll enjoy one of the above books under your own shady tree this summer. Now it’s your turn. What’s one favorite summer read of yours? Please share in the comment section below.