Like Rockets

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.  Romans 15:13

The Right Fuel to Be Like Rockets

A rocket is only as good as its fuel. Without the right fuel formula, a rocket will not reach its intended destination. With the wrong propellant, the vessel could explode. With the right propellent we can be like rockets.

In order for us to reach God’s destination for our lives, we need the Holy Spirit, and we need God’s word.  The Holy Spirit provides the perfect fit for our spiritual lives.  Jesus went to the cross so we could have an intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit.  And He gives us His word to guide us, shape us and use us.

The Holy Spirit and God’s word make up the fuel for our hope, and hope is what we need to develop a vision for our future. Hope is an expectation of God’s blueprint for each of us. Hope bolsters our faith and directs our steps.

The Holy Spirit and the Word of God

We need the Holy Spirit mixed with God’s word to realize God’s plans for our lives. The Holy Spirit desires to speak God’s word into our hearts. God’s spoken word ignites hope and faith and propels us into the Lord’s direction for our lives. Let’s become like rockets that the Holy Spirit directs for His glory. With His help, we can reach exemplary heights in our pursuit of His vision for our lives.

When fueled with God’s Spirit and God’s word, we can hit far away targets. We can achieve long-ranged goals. We, like rockets, can go the distance.

He is Our Strength

When we are weak and feeling thin, we can run to the Lord who will fill us with His great strength and endurance. Our strength is not to come through our resolve or by just “manning up”. Instead, our strength will grow as we abide under the shadow of the Almighty. He is the Vine. We are the branches. We draw our strength from our relationship with Him. When we become encouraged in this way, our lives display the fruit of the Spirit. The scripture tells us: “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.” Galatians 5:22-23 NIV

Character Rubs Off

When we keep company with the Holy One, He begins to rub off on us. When a person has a relationship with a dominant person, it is common for the other person to begin to take on some of the dominant person’s traits. For proof of this, we can look to children raised by their parents. The children take on their parent’s, language, accents, behaviors and morals. This can be good or bad, but when we spend time with God the outcome is only good.

His Presence influences us for good. We are His children. Reading and meditating on His word affects us in a good way. When we hear His voice, we are transformed. We also grow in our knowledge and understanding of our Good Lord.

But what happens to us if we neglect our relationship with the Lord? What if we neglect to pray? What if we engage with the world, without Christ’s influence? Dryness comes. Fleshly living can become the norm. Fear and doubt creep into our souls.

This is not what God intends for us. He wants us to soar like rockets. He wants us to reach the heights like a hot air balloon filled with fuel.

Spiritual Warfare is Needed to Be Like Rockets

But soaring like rockets isn’t as simple as spending time with Jesus and obeying Him. There is an enemy who is out to stop us. There is spiritual warfare that we must engage in to follow the Lord wholeheartedly. It’s important that we know our authority over the enemy. Satan is under our feet and we have been given authority over him and his demons (See Luke 10:18-19).

The Bible says we are to submit to God and resist the devil and he will flee from us (James 4:7). The Lord has given us His armor. He has given us the name of Jesus. He calls us more than conquerors. We can soar like rockets with His fuel flowing through us. And like rockets, we can hit the targets of the enemy.

God desires for us to develop a daily habit of coming before Him in worship and feasting on His word. He wants to fill us with His fuel. When we do this, we grow strong in the Lord and the power of His might.  Drawing near to Him invites Him to draw near to us. Coming  to the Lord daily makes us reliable servants for His use. So let God make you His rocket so that you can reach His targets and do His will.

Prayer of Commitment:

Dear Father God,

I come before You, and I choose to make it my habit to come before You daily. Lord, fill me with your Spirit and fill me with your word. Mold me and make me more like You. Use me like a rocket to hit your targets. Use me to minister to others.

Jesus name I pray,


Click this link to read scriptures on the filling of the Holy Spirit

Click this link to read scriptures on the importance of God’s word in our lives.


Tom Toya

Tom lives in the Chicagoland area. His wife recently passed away and has transitioned into heaven. He has published articles in several magazines, e-zines and newspapers. He authored Ancient Songs for Today: Discovering Life Changing Truths from the Psalms. Tom owns a caregiving agency and enjoys writing songs and playing the guitar.

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