Today I went to a funeral of a friend I’ve known for over two decades. During the funeral, “Amazing Grace” was sung. Amazing grace, how sweet the soundThat saved a wretch like me.I once was
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The Spice of Life

A few weeks ago, we welcomed a family onto our side of the church. They weren’t new to our congregation; they had just stepped across the aisle and sat in a new location. During the
Read moreThe Solution to Every Story Problem

Inspire a Fire Under Your Parable, Story, and Sermon Key Points from our chat with Zena Dell Lowe The solution to every story problem starts with awakening your passive character. Active characters should be the
Read moreHow God Provides in the Wilderness

Wilderness experiences are no respector of persons. And this includes God’s people as long as we live on the earth. But God provides in every way, in every wilderness we travel through. Perhaps great loss
Read moreWhere Love Was Birthed

Bethlehem, with all the hustle and bustle. People traveling, trying to find a decent place to stay while they were away from home. Common folks trying to save up their money, so they can pay
Read moreLet It Grow

I planted the tiny seed. And pressed it into the soft dirt with my fingertip, to the first knuckle, just like my grandma showed me. Then, adding a dribble of water, I waited. And waited.
Read moreThe Impact of a Father

Growing up in a godly household I look back and realize how privileged I was. There was never a moment, not even for a second that I feared my parents would seperate. This was
Read more10 Things I Cherish About Summer

While every season offers holidays to celebrate, nature to enjoy, and highlights that mark the months, summer’s the time of year I cherish most. Because there are many things to love about summer. Since summer
Read moreFrom Mud to Masterpiece
When my daughter was two years old, I walked outside and found her sitting in the mud, painting rocks with some old acrylic paints I had, a stick for a paintbrush. Unable to resist the
Read moreMarred and Beautiful

The damage was extensive. Broken-hearted, I ventured down the familiar pathway. The same pathway that had once brought me so much comfort, so much solace during turbulent times. How could someone do something so destructive
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