by Paula Moldenhauer
Paper snowflakes decorate the living room window. Outside real snow drifts through the dark, illuminated by the pole light at the edge of our yard. The flakes are lazy and fluffy tonight, showing off their sparkles as they flirt on a baby breeze.
Below, the white ground dances with the sparkles of a thousand diamonds, the light pole providing the music, illuminating the brilliance.
And I pray I am like the snow—sparkling and dancing as God pours His light of truth into my life.
I should dance.
The Master of the universe singles me out for this round. He asks, like the old song, “May I have this dance for the rest of your life?”
He reaches with one hand in gentleman fashion, an eyebrow slightly raised in question. Will I join His dance? Will I let Him lead? Will I truly give myself to His music–His timing, His rhythm, His beat–so that I can move as one with Him?
My heart senses the risk. I must lay down preconceived opinions of Who He is and Who I am. I must surrender the right to be in charge, allowing instead a submission to His joy and grief, love and pain. It is a dance I cannot control. In place of my plodding feet, pounding out my own way, I submit to the sheer freedom of joining the dance with Him.
I am breathless.
Oh Father! That I may join you in the light dance! That I may float effortlessly in your arms, submitting gleefully to your will, sparkling on the dance floor . . ,
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A homeschooling mother of four, Paula Moldenhauer is passionate about God’s grace. Published over 300 times, she’s recently released two novels: Titanic: Legacy of Betrayal and Postmark: Christmas. Her website offers homeschooling and parenting articles, devotionals, and information about her books.
Thanks for a beautiful devotion, Paula!