Honor God And Country

Honor. God. And. Country.

What does that mean?

  • Honor is a source of distinction, high respect. It means that we hold someone or something in high regard and treat it as a precious commodity.
  • God, the Creator of all, deserves our respect not only because he created us but also because he keeps us – and the world around us – going, despite how we mistreat it and each other.
  • Country, a state or nation, or the people of that nation. Our nation has proven itself to be among the strongest, wealthiest, and most educated in the world.

But how do we honor God and this country of our birth or our chosen residence?

First of all, we have relationships. We can relate to God every day of the week, not just for an hour on Sunday (or whenever you watch your church’s video broadcast). He wants a relationship with us and created us for that purpose. So talk with him. Not TO him; WITH him. He’s waiting to hear from you.

We have relationships with those around us, family and friends. Many of those relationships are strained now, with the restrictions placed by COVID-19 recommendations. But that doesn’t mean the relationships need to end. Here are some ideas to make them better:

  • Be kind to each other, especially on social media. Don’t hate someone who thinks or believes other than you. We all have brains and can think for ourselves. And just because our thoughts or experiences are different does not mean they’re better or worse. They’re just different.
  • Don’t belittle someone in need. Whether they are poor, ill, or old like me, their needs are very likely different from yours. And if you find yourself in a position to help, by all means do so. A country is also a community, a social group, so let’s be sociable.
  • If you point out a problem, provide a solution. That adage has been around for centuries. If you see something wrong, speak up, but be sure you have something better in mind. Know what’s wrong about it and come up with another idea.
  • Use your words. Moms and dads have said this for decades to children who just scream and holler and throw tantrums, but it makes sense for grownups as well. Use YOUR words; don’t just quote someone else because it sounds good. Think for yourself and use other than four-letter words. Show your education and that your gray matter still works.
  • Be patient. It takes a long time to build something up, but only a moment to tear it down. This goes for buildings, people, and a country. Let’s not tear it or them down.

The Spanish Flu Pandemic of 1918 lasted a year or two, depending on which article you read. And it affected a third of the world’s population. If that’s any indication, we have a long time before this is over.

In the meantime, let’s be kind to each other and honor each other while we give God and our country the honor and respect they deserve.


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