The spirit of the Lord is here. Worship in His presence. . .
Seek, and you shall find Him
Praise and worship affect my spiritual well-being and restore my soul. Although I’m reminded how the Holy Spirit’s power is often found in serenity, I’ve often wondered why finding God’s presence in our praise or the magnificence of this force is so underestimated in this ailing world.
My mouth will speak praise…
Psalm 145:21 ESV
Holy places filled with praise
I consider God’s outdoor sanctuary: Forests clothed in tremendous oaks and evergreens, deep creviced stones, and ancient earth—and, how the splendor of His majesty is most evident in holy places filled with praise. When I look beyond twisted branches and a trillion leaves, I finally see and hear. It’s obvious. God’s glory lives there.
I emerge thankful. Covered with tingly goosebumps—and filled with bits of wisdom. Perhaps, they’re timeless clues I’m meant to share—Including those about finding God’s presence in our praise.

The quiet art of praise
In the modern world, creatives are always under the microscope of critique. Push. Push. Tweak. Tweak. Artists, and especially worshipping artists need quiet time. Gardening and hiking help me focus on why I write, sing, and create.
Worshipful artists
When I focus on praising and adoring God with all I am, I’m free to worship in truth. In His presence. The times I cherish most while worship leading on praise teams was when I was lost in the presence of the Holy Spirit. All else faded away.
While I can’t adequately describe the awesome joy, I’m not proud to say that, at times, I let my own insecurities get in the way. And sometimes, I had let others’ judgments of my abilities or lack thereof intimidate my finding praise and peace in His presence.
Unhindered fellowship
I want the world to know we have hope in Christ. We can face inadequacy or self-esteem issues that come our way by just moving forward in faith… by letting go and by getting out of His way. Experiencing this kind of unhindered fellowship and closeness only makes me want to know Him more.
Can He be our praise?
Deuteronomy 10:21
The mystery of real praise
Mysteries of true praise and some definitions of mysticism are two different things. However, the word mysticism is, in fact, Christian if the apostle John, St. Paul, John of the Cross, and quite possibly Jonathan Edwards were believers in God and His Son, Jesus.
I think of Pentecost. Where God’s spirit poured out on all flesh; the heavens opened to let the outcasts in. Men and women. Young and old. All singing a new—and mysterious song. In unison. True praise.
His song of relationship
God sings over us. His song calls us to seek the heavenly realms and teaches us how to love.
People from all walks of life gather from different corners of the world, not only convents or monasteries as yesterday’s mystics did.
They are answering the Father’s call to enter into His presence. Not to be seen or acknowledged by man, but to be made clean by the only One who washes sin away.

Praising in His presence
Have you ever dreamed or thought about finally coming face to face with Jesus? He is the Son and image of the Father of the universe. Elohim. El Shaddai. Jehovah. God above all. Think about it. The Master. Creator. Sustainer. The only Judge that justifies with mercy and grace. Would you hope He knew your name and might say, “Well done, my good and faithful servant?”
I’ve taken many moments to let my mind wander. Would I be brave enough to reach out and touch the hem of His garment? I’m talking about the flesh-and-bone image of the Almighty’s garment.
He’s not a Marvel character. He’s not a mythological being. He is the great “I AM”.
It’s hard even to comprehend heaven or being in the presence of the King of Kings. The holy scriptures tell us He is The Alpha and Omega. Beginning and End. Abba Father. The One who is worthy of all our praise.
The weight of the call
So, what if you were given the chance to fall prostrate before Him? To know Him. Would you run? Or would you want to stay in His presence? No matter the cost? If our heavenly Father gives us opportunities to grow spiritually by experiencing the fragility of life through tribulations, would we persevere and be changed for the better or crushed under the weight of the call?
In this world, you will have troubles. . .
When spiritual growth = adversity
There were days, months, and years (and even recently) when I found myself praying wordless prayers. The pain and bewilderment pressed down on my chest as if to steal my last breath, silencing me for a time.
Sometimes those unwanted opportunities for spiritual growth arrive on our doorsteps, wrapped in packages filled with pain and adversity. When this happens, the question isn’t, “How do we get through trials?” It’s “How can we learn to praise through this?”
Even when:
- Adversity is a given
- It can (but may or may not) lead to growth
- It’s not automatic
- Spiritual growth is optional
We all know God doesn’t always take us out of our circumstances. At times, He guides us while we wade into deeper waters, and then He swims beside us.

But, Is it worth the chance to know our heavenly Father more?
Jesus said, we can have hope and joy during our storms. We may have times of intense grief. BUT. He has overcome the world.
Nothing can separate us from His love
- Death
- Failure
- Betrayal
- Sickness.
- Disappointment.
Maybe that’s why Romans 8:28 is one of my favorite Bible verses.
I pray to understand the enormity of the gift of grace God and His son Jesus freely gave me. The depth and width of this crazy love—and how everything we adore and cherish and live for, could be gone. In. A. Moment.
Whenever I finally stand before my Lord—I’d like to imagine Him smiling—even if through blinding light and roaring thunder. And although I may not see His face, I’d know He is the brightest part of the light that surrounds me. Fills me.
I’d sense His hair flowing behind Him, arms outstretched beckoning me to come closer. Into His presence. The sacred space where His words of encouragement, wisdom—and sometimes, warnings, meld.
“I am always here for you. Speak to me, my child.”
God’s presence in our lives
Now and always. His love for us stays the same. In everything we face today or endure tomorrow, I pray we find God’s presence in our praise. Heaven will be worth it all.
Have you ever felt God’s presence? Do you believe we can find Him when we praise? I’d love to hear your thoughts here in the IAF comments section below this article. Wishing you joy and praise on your journey,
Click the highlighted links scattered throughout this post or visit my blog, Dreamdove’s Flights of Fancy or DoveStories website.
Special Thanks to Pixabay. Royalty-free use of images: Feature Image by Beate from Pixabay, #1 Image by Pfüderi from Pixabay, #2 Image by Barbara Jackson from Pixabay , #3Image by 0fjd125gk87 from Pixabay
What a great word! God is always there, ready to wrap us in His presence But sometimes we can let the weight of circumstances keep us from reaching out and stepping into His love. We do have to choose to take that step!
Amen. Janet, you may know (all too well) what I mean. I want to stay in His WAY. His favor. His love… but no, I have to say, sometimes circumstances have brought me down. I’ve doubted. Waivered. I’ve grown weary at times, and yes…Failed. Over and over again. And still, He calls me. And still, I’ve chosen to keep trying. Over and over again.