The earthy aroma of baking cornbread fills the kitchen. I stir the simmering pot of white chicken chili, inhaling the delectable fragrances, a balm for my soul. Despite the thermostat set at 71° and the logs blazing in the fireplace, the frigid winter day is seeping into the house. Even my bones are cold.
“Why do you always bake cornbread in the cast iron skillet?” my husband asks while dipping a spoon into the chili.
Waiting for his approving nod at the sample, I reply, “Because that’s how mom and Grandma always baked cornbread.”
During these snowy winter days, my body craves carbohydrate rich comfort food. Inhaling the aroma of the cornbread as I remove the skillet from the oven, my mind wanders. Winter seasons of the heart caused by illness, uncertainty, loss, and grief require comfort food for the soul.
This year I encourage you to surround yourself with the warmth of your favorite Scripture verses, snippets of hymns, and answered prayers. Remember and record those moments of God’s past faithfulness and unusual provision in your life.
When the bleak clouds of uncertainty loom reach for your recorded list. As your favorite meal simmers on the stove, snuggle under the warmth of your favorite quilt, and savor God’s provision and faithfulness.
As for me, surrounding myself with the familiarity of God’s proven faithfulness, is comfort food for my soul.
“But I will NOT take my love from you, NOR will I ever betray my faithfulness.” (Psalm 89:33, emphasis and personalization mine)
~April Dawn White
*Images courtesy of author & Pixabay
© 2016 April Dawn White, All rights reserved