Whatever happens.
These two words put together and in this order stirs questions deep in my soul. And the phrase makes me a bit apprehensive.
Because if you’re anything like me, the phrase conjures up a lot of unknowns.
Perhaps you’ve already learned along with me that the unknowns are a part of this world, it’s not “if” but “when” they happen.
So how do we live a life in Christ, trusting God in the whatever-happens moments?
It’s not easy. Yet, God gives us the ability to live knowing whatever happens, He is with us, loves us, sustains us, and brings us to a place of hope.
Consider the current state of our world. Chaos. Uncertainty. Fear.
There’s no better time to really know who God is and what God does—especially in the whatever moments—than right now.
Still, “whatever happens” can also be good things.
Let’s look at 5 God declarations to keep us standing firm and grounded in the truth for whatever happens.
(1.) Whatever today brings, claim God’s promises.
None of us know what any day may bring. But we know God’s promises prove true. And He will fulfill every promise He makes. Because God is the ultimate Promise-Keeper.
Faith is the firm ground where we stand waiting on the Lord to fulfill His promises.
Do we know what the Lord has promised to us in His Word? Let’s stay in the Word to learn and meditate on His promises.
“The Lord is trustworthy in all he promises and faithful in all he does.” Psalm 145:13b (NIV)
Every morning, let’s invite Jesus to come along with us throughout our day.
(2.) Whatever tomorrow holds, trust in God’s direction.

When we trust in God’s direction for all of our tomorrows, we also trust God’s in control. For me, it helps if I remember God is large and in charge.
You see, we were never meant to be in control. Because if God can manage the universe, He can certainly manage our life.
Our job is to trust God’s power, ways, and purposes. And God’s job is everything else. He does the heavy lifting.
So when we trust in God’s direction, we also trust in His strength for the journey.
No matter what happens tomorrow, we trust God is sovereign, trustworthy, good, and on His throne.
“Lord, Thank you that no matter what tomorrow holds, You are good all the time and your goodness never changes. Never. Help me to trust You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”
(3.) Whatever injuries you endure at the hands of people, seek healing from God’s heart.
Many times our need for healing stems from a wounded heart or a crushed spirit. And we may seek healing in people or the things of this earth. But no one and no-thing brings us inner healing except the Lord.
“The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.” Psalm 34:18 (ESV)
(4.) Whatever earthly accolades you receive, bask in the light of His glory.
While it’s an honor to receive awards, titles, higher educational degrees, and so on, our Creator deserves the glory for our lives and accolades.
When we bask in our own glory or give glory to people or things, we set up idols in our hearts and lives. Like the “other gods” the Lord warned His people about in the Bible, we bring them to life today.
Never hesitate to give the glory to God for your unique talents and gifts.
(5.) Whatever you do for God’s kingdom, walk in a manner worthy of His calling.

“For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you. We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives, so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience.” Colossians 1:9-11 (NIV, emphasis added)
Also see, The Answer to the World’s Chaos: God’s Truth.
Featured images from our YouTube Channel, Friday’s Forever.
Good strategies to embrace!
Thank you, Lisa. No matter what happens tomorrow, we trust God is sovereign, trustworthy, good, and on His throne.
Amen. Whatever happens, He’s always with us.