We Win Because Christ Won: The Truth We Need To Remember When Only History-Making Help Can Save

We Win: The Truth We Need When Only History-Making Help Can Save — Discover how the gospel of Jesus is enough when life's storms overwhelm you. (by Jean Wilund via InspireAFire.com)

by Jean Wilund

Making History

Congratulations, Bahamas. You made history. You endured Dorian, the strongest hurricane ever to strike your islands.

But, there’s something to be said for not making history. Especially when it comes to hurricanes. Or bills. Or relationship struggles.

And yet, as the band MercyMe reminds us when we face unparalleled heights of unwanted circumstances, “Read the end of the Book. We win. We win because Christ won.”

Bahamians don’t feel like they won. They feel like Rocky looked in Rocky I, II, III, IV, V…LXI, and LXII. At the end of his bouts, Rocky looked like he lost, but he won.

We may look like we’re losing, but in Christ, we’ve already won. Even the worst circumstances can’t change the powerful Truth. We win.

Worthless Refrigerator Magnet Theology?

Hearing “We Win” in the darkest of times may seem like worthless refrigerator magnet theology.

When our home is gone, our bank account is empty, or our marriage is holding on by a cobweb, refrigerator magnet theology doesn’t help.

We need deep Truth—Truth capable of holding us secure on higher ground when life is dragging us into despair.

Fortunately, We win isn’t a pithy feel-good mantra. It’s the deep Truth and history-making help of Jesus Christ.

Christ Made History

When Christ laid His glory aside and came down from heaven to take on flesh, He made history.

He became Emmanuel—God with us—100 percent man and 100 percent God.

He understands what it’s like to live in this weak flesh. As a man of many sorrows, He understands your pain and cares.

When Christ lived a perfect, sinless life, He made history.

Jesus’ perfect holiness qualified Him to save us. No one else has come close.

Adam and Eve were created innocent of sin, and yet they rebelled against God and dove into sin.

Over fruit.

But Jesus is able and willing to make us holy as He is holy.

When Christ’s holiness is worked out in our lives, joy fills our heart—joy as refreshing as the crystal clear waters of the Bahamas before Dorian, before destruction.

When Christ bore the full wrath of God for our sin on the cross, He made history.

No one else could have endured the crushing weight He did to pay the penalty for our sin.

Not only could no one else do it, no one else needs to. It is finished.

We Win Because Christ Won: The Truth We Need When Only History-Making Help Can Save 
— Discover how the gospel of Jesus is enough when life's storms overwhelm you. (by Jean Wilund via InspireAFire.com)

When Christ destroyed the power of sin and death and rose again in resurrection power, He made history.

Jesus broke the chains of death and opened the way for us to receive eternal life by grace through faith in Him.

No one else has ever been able to give eternal life. And in our unholy state, we certainly can’t earn it. We’re powerless. We’re barely able to give each other second chances, much less eternal life. But Jesus’ power overcame the grave. And His power lives in all who trust in Him.

The Saving Truth of the Gospel

Perhaps you’ve recognized this deep Truth I’ve been sharing as the gospel message of salvation from sin.

And perhaps you’re wondering how the gospel can help pay the bills, protect you from a hurricane, or restore your marriage?

Sure, the gospel saves souls, but we need physical help now.

We need more than the gospel of Jesus Christ. Right?

Why Jesus Is Enough

Yes, we need physical money to pay our bills, actual supplies to rebuild our houses, and perhaps a top-notch counselor to save our marriage. But the gospel is enough.

The gospel points us to Christ, our firm foundation, the shield around us, and the lifter of our head.

He’s the One who meets all our needs according to His riches in glory. His riches, not ours.  

We Win Because Christ Won: The Truth We Need When Only History-Making Help Can Save 
— Discover how the gospel of Jesus is enough when life's storms overwhelm you. (by Jean Wilund via InspireAFire.com)

This doesn’t mean we can speak forth whatever we need if we just have enough faith.

It means that as we do the work God has called us to do, we can rest from all fear.

We can take courage in knowing He is with us.

Our history-making Savior will never leave us.

He’s leading us to the other side of our trials—into victory in Him.

When the bills rise higher than storm waters, and our relationships whip up a greater cone of uncertainty than Dorian, Jesus’ control over everything that touches our lives is enough.

We win.

Never Forget to Remember

What we do and endure, and how we respond to our challenges doesn’t earn us points we can redeem for a better life. It reveals what we truly believe about Jesus.

Is our gaze on our fears rather than Jesus? Never forget to remember: We win because He won.

Are you facing circumstances that shatter hope and joy like Hurricane Dorian shattered the Abacos?

Even then—especially then—never forget to remember: We win because Christ won.

We Win Because Christ Won: The Truth We Need When Only History-Making Help Can Save 
— Discover how the gospel of Jesus is enough when life's storms overwhelm you. (by Jean Wilund via InspireAFire.com)

So smile. Even if it’s just a little smile. Smile at your future. In Christ, it’s sure and radiant.

And then dance. Even if only in your heart.

Dancing won’t change your circumstances, but it might bring you a few moments of fun. And make you smile. And that may make you want to dance some more.

Some circumstances demand tears. Lots of them. Deep wails even. But we need dancing, too.  

But most of all, we need the deep Truth of the gospel. When only history-making help can save us, we need to never forget to remember: We win because Christ won!

MercyMe Sings: We Win!

We Win Because Christ Won: The Truth We Need When Only History-Making Help Can Save 
— Discover how the gospel of Jesus is enough when life's storms overwhelm you. (by Jean Wilund via InspireAFire.com)

Jean Wilund

Jean Wilund is passionate about coffee and comedy, but she's most excited about leading women into a greater understanding of the Bible and a deeper relationship with God. She writes for Revive our Hearts ministries, creates Bible study videos for her YouTube Channel, and connects with women on her blog at Jeanwilund.com. Jean and her husband live in South Carolina. Their children and grandtwins live scattered across the country.

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