Reflections on the linguistics of snow and the sound snow makes. Also, God. You may have heard that Eskimo languages have more words for snow than the English language. Because I try not to share
Read moreThe Sound of Snow

Reflections on the linguistics of snow and the sound snow makes. Also, God. You may have heard that Eskimo languages have more words for snow than the English language. Because I try not to share
Read moreIn a recent Bible study, the pastor had us meditate on an excerpt of Jeremiah 29:11: For surely I know the plans I have for you… to give you a future with hope (NRSV). We
Read moreI once took a baby pig to pet pictures with Santa. (Yes, a real piglet.) And I once landscaped a roommate’s bed with castaways from the university compost pile. The masterpiece was complete with past-bloom
Read moreWhat can one learn from pet sitting a friend’s dog for two weeks? An appreciation for one’s own dog, who is quiet and does not pee in the house, perhaps. But, I suspect the answer
Read moreAs she was cutting fist-fulls of hair from my head, my hair stylist told me this story: “When I was younger, I always wanted to have short hair and my mom wouldn’t let me. Then
Read moreA few weeks ago, we welcomed a family onto our side of the church. They weren’t new to our congregation; they had just stepped across the aisle and sat in a new location. During the
Read moreYou will read this post in a couple weeks when I have returned from vacation. But as I sit down to write, I am still on the anticipatory side of a 10-day camping trip. We’ll
Read moreI was listening to a song the other day on the radio: I’m fighting a battle You’ve already won. The song is a rallying cry to overcome whatever comes our way. Take courage! God has
Read moreA note before I begin: I’ve been chewing on elements of this blog post for several years, and the actual framework has been developing for a couple months now. Coincidentally (providentially?) I learned only after
Read morepi We’re tackling this blog the old-fashioned way: sweating it out at the keyboard one keystroke at a time. This is because for the first time in a long time, I’m sitting down to write
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