“You prepare a table for me in the presence of my enemies…” (Psalm 23:5 NIV)
It’s a great feeling to have a place at the table.
A seat, reserved just for me.
Clearly, it took a great deal of work to prepare the table. The table covering, centerpiece, dishes, silverware, and drinking glasses create a pleasant atmosphere and also provide me with everything I need to enjoy the meal.
The meal itself will be a masterpiece; a perfect blend of too many choices, including an abundance of my personal favorites. I can tell from the moment I walk through the door that I’m in the right place, as the scent of hot bread rises above the others; providing a welcome hug all its own.
I know there will be a place for me there. I never doubt there will be enough food, almost too much to be enjoyed in one day.
It is a meal worth waiting for. Even a year, if necessary.
After all, this is what Thanksgiving is all about. Right?
As much as I look forward to this holiday and this meal, the moment I most anticipate is to look into the faces of those who will join me at the table.
Sitting across the table from someone conveys a strong message. A relationship grows deeper. All distractions are removed. There is time to ask questions and listen to the answers. Often, our expressions reveal more than our words. But somehow, we pick up where we left off last year. Being reunited with family–meeting some new additions for the first time.
The truth is that sharing a meal with someone shares much more than a meal.
Perhaps it is sign of commitment. An investment in the future. A moment, frozen in time. A joyous occasion, whenever twenty or more are gathered.
I am truly thankful to be a part of it all. To be chosen for this family. To have this place, this chair, created just for me.
But more than this, I am reminded of a coming feast, and a promise Jesus made, minutes before He was delivered into the hands of His enemies.
It was during what became known as The Last Supper, though those chosen to be with Jesus at the table did not realize it at the time. Â They didn’t know that soon, His chair would be empty.
But He says this, knowing what was to come after sharing the bread and wine with His brothers:
“Truly I tell you I will not drink again from the fruit of the vine until that day that I drink it new with you in my Father’s kingdom” (Matthew 26:29 NIV)
He has been preparing a place for us for over 2000 years and the feast will be incredible.
But what I look forward to the most is sitting across the table from Him and looking into those eyes.
I can’t wait to hear His voice. To feel his hand in mine. For Him to wipe away my tears.
For us to drink together, just as He promised.
And for our relationship to grow even deeper.
It sure feels good to have a place at the table, created just for me….