I Felt Your Hand

I felt your hand

I felt Your hand

gently upon my shoulder.

“Fear not, my child.

You must be bolder.”


I felt Your breath

upon my neck,

whispering in my ear,

“Don’t look at the speck.”

Your booming voice

came gently to my ears—

“Tomorrow is in My hands.

Worry not about the years.”


I felt Your arms

carry me o’er rock and dale.

“Be still, my child.

I have yet to fail.”

Martin Wiles

Martin is the Managing Editor for Christian Devotions and the Directing Editor for Vinewords.net. He is an author, English teacher, minister, freelance editor, and founder of Love Lines from God (www.lovelinesfromgod.com). His most recent book is Don't Just Live...Really Live. He and his wife are parents of two and grandparents of seven.

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  1. Thank you for this lovely reminder. I love poetry and this was particularly poignant.

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