The challenge began a little more than fifty years ago. The Lord put me on a path not to my wanting, let alone making, but it was designed by His grace, and for my learning. After I had surrendered my will as to where we would live and what sort of jobs I would take on, I laughed and shook my head when He sent me to the last place on earth I wanted to live and the last job on earth I would ever accept. Through His grace, I eventually found the good in them that worked His good in me.
I guess I passed that test when He opened another door I was sure was not meant for me, and then another one. I never wanted to be a factory worker. yet, I found Him with me there. Then a real test arose.
I was not mechanically inclined. As I told the man who wanted me to work in his department at the factory, “Machines hate me. I can simply walk by one and it will stop working.” He assured me he could teach me all I needed to know to properly set up and maintain the machinery. Through my earlier job experiences, I had seen the benefits of trusting the Lord when He opened or closed doors, so I simply said I will not refuse his offer.
The Sovereignty of God’s Grace
Confusion about the job set in when I was told one morning that I had the job, but they were not sure what day I would start it. Then the same afternoon I was told I didn’t get the job. A few days passed before I learned that my boss’s supervisor had refused to release me to the other department. Meanwhile, I knew the Lord was at work to accomplish His will for my life.
Another few days passed when word reached me that the man who had stood in God’s way was told to move to a different position in the factory or leave. He went straight to his office, picked up his briefcase, and walked out. That’s when my new boss came and welcomed me to his staff. I was nervous but excited about what new things the Lord had to show me.
Day one in the new position proved to be a significant learning curve. Besides my new boss being true to his word on teaching me, I also had to learn to identify parts and stock numbers to supply the line workers. Moreover, I had to be able to distinguish between similar parts so the machines were fed the right parts for assembly. I was surprised and somewhat pleased with how well the new job was going. Maybe machines didn’t hate me after all.
The Practicality of God’s Grace
Then it happened. No matter what I tried, one machine would not work right. Nothing I’d been taught was working. Finally, I stopped and said a silent prayer for help. When I opened my eyes, I saw the problem, made the adjustment, and turned the machine over to the operator.
A few days later, an operator called me over to show me that her machine was producing faulty pieces. I tried the normal fixes, but none worked. Frustrated, I sat back, took a breath, and then remembered what had happened earlier. I said another prayer. This time an idea for an unprecedented trick popped into my mind. I followed it and was able to put the machine back into production. My year in that department continued in that fashion. The successes the Lord gave me landed me a job in a newly formed automation department as a mechanic on experimental automated machines.
The Intimacy of God’s Grace
Some may question my giving the Lord credit for the ideas that fixed the machines. I can say honestly there was nothing hidden in my subconscious mind able to solve the problems. My mechanic skills topped out at changing the oil on my car, adjusting sparkplugs, and replacing a flat tire. Others may say similarly that the Lord is too busy with world events and holding the universe together to be able to be attentive to our little problems. Well, I don’t see that when I read His Word.
In Jesus’ parable of the unjust steward (Luke 16:1-13), He concludes that he who is faithful in little things will also be faithful with much. I believe the Father accepts the same standard to our prayers, so when I trust Him in little things and He answers, I know I can trust Him in much. He delights in blessing His own.
Jesus also said that if we earthly fathers know how to give good gifts, how much more will our heavenly Father give to us. And Jesus also instructed us in Matthew 11:28-30 to come to Him with our cares and burdens, and trade them for His yoke and His burdens. Then we will find rest. He never qualified the size of the burdens and cares. I think He meant all, big or small.
The Inclusivity of God’s Grace
While I am on the topic of God taking time out of his busy schedule to listen to and answer little prayers, I have to add the prayers of children. If you have ever heard them pray, your reactions could have ranged from thinking them cute, humorous, or even audacious. And you may have sat with your mouth open when the Father’s answer dropped in front of you. It might have even been something you didn’t want God to answer, but there it was. You couldn’t refuse it as you watched your child accept it with glee but without surprise. How do I make such a claim? Because it happened to us.
The Intentional Availability of God’s Grace
“Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need,” (Hebrews 4:16 NKJV).
I wish I had learned to put this one verse into practice much earlier. Perhaps I pushed it forward into that realm of future fulfillment instead of my day-by-day experiences.
I love that there are no limits. We can freely go to Him and lay our burden down before him. He’ll not scoff at its insignificance, turn our request down, or give our portion of His grace and mercy to another. So great is His love to all whose hearts are toward Him. Psalm 34 is a great one to remind us of the benefits we have in the Lord. Verse 8 stands out for me in this discussion.
“Oh, taste and see the Lord is good; blessed is the man who trusts in Him,” (NKJV).
His grace is sufficient…for everything we face.
Thank you for the reminder of God’s presence and guidance.
Wonderful to hear God’s good intervention.