I stared at the laptop and sighed a heavy sigh. Exhaustion filtered through my weary body. Deadlines loomed. A kazillion emails screamed for attention. Dinner needed to be cooked. Laundry folded …

Out of the chaos of my mind came an image of Jesus walking to the mountaintop to be alone with God.
Lord, really? Please, not now. I have too much to do. I’ll never finish everything if I stop to just sit and be quiet.
Nan, you’ll never finish everything if you don’t stop.
And so I did – I stopped. I closed the laptop, turned on some praise music, and curled up on the couch. It felt good to step out of the whirlwind into the presence of the Lord. I spoke the Name of Jesus. Over and over … Jesus … Jesus. His peace descended upon me. Tension released from my shoulders. Myriads of thoughts stopped circling and found resting places.
As I concentrated on the Lord and made my requests known to Him, I realized that the multitude of tasks was no longer monumental. I realized that everyone and everything that needed my attention would still be there – the world wouldn’t stop if I rested with the Lord a few moments. Work and ministry would resume with fresh strength and power.
Just like Jesus.
“And when He [Jesus] had sent the multitudes away, He went up on the mountain by himself to pray.” ~ Matthew 11:23

Jesus sought communion with His Father right in the middle of a busy day. He and the disciples had fed five thousand men, women, and children after hours of healing their sick. It’s easy to imagine the fatigue. After cleaning up and dismissing the crowd, the next event on the calendar was sailing across the sea into the land of Gennesaret to minister to multitudes of people there.
But in the midst of the fatigue and never-ending responsibilities, I believe Jesus heard the voice of God bidding Him to come, so He did.
Oh, how this tugs at my heartstrings.
The Lord Most High draws us to Himself because He desires rich relationship with His children. He desires our company. Our fellowship. Isn’t that incredible? How can we be so casual about Almighty God? How can I? It seems that we would run to Him at the very thought of His love. To consider the privilege of coming before the Creator of the Universe is mind-boggling, and yet we take it for granted and place it in our event planner as something else we have to do.
Andrew Murray said, “Oh, the thought of having God all alone to myself and knowing that God has me all alone to Himself!”
Beautiful truth, Nan. Thank you for the reminder!
Thank you Vonda. I think it’s another one of those tough lessons, but once we learn it … oh my! It’s a life changer. Thank you so much for stopping by.
Beautiful, Nan. I’m so grateful that God has shown me these past several months that I not only CAN slow down, be still and rest, but I MUST slow down, be still and rest in Him if I am to serve Him well and fully. Being quiet in His Presence is so precious, as it allows me to better hear the things He has been trying to say in the midst of my noise. And I am able to hear even the things He whispers to me when I intentionally settle in with Him. This is beautifully said, my friend.
Yes, yes, and YES Sandi! I think it’s hard to wrap our brains around the fact that we can actually sit with the Creator of the universe and rest with Him, visit with Him, and share our lives with Him. We know these things in rhetoric, but how sad to not implement this knowledge. Thank you for stopping by and for your very kind words.
Excellent reflection, Nan. I keep learning that Jesus often leads me to do the opposite of what I would think to do. Like your wonderful example…tons to do…rest in Him, not hurry and strive. Awesome Jesus!
God’s wisdom often confounds the wise, doesn’t it? But when I trust Him and do things His way, my life runs much smoother. Thank you so much for stopping by.
Wise and true! Thank you, Nan!
Oh, thank you Norma. And hard learned, I might add 😉
Thank you,Nan, for this reminder to be still and rest….to spend time with God.
Amen Dee Dee. This message is a beautiful reminder to me as well. The world pulls at us constantly, its noise shouting over the Lord’s sweet whispers. I find that every day I must remember to listen for those times He bids me to come.