August is a mixed-bag month for me. I love it because it’s summer and moves at a slower pace. The bushy blooms on my lantana attract butterflies, a perfect excuse for sitting on the porch.
Read moreThe Summer of our Discontent

August is a mixed-bag month for me. I love it because it’s summer and moves at a slower pace. The bushy blooms on my lantana attract butterflies, a perfect excuse for sitting on the porch.
Read moreI grinned when I read it and immediately hovered over the “share” button, but then hesitated. Some of my family and church friends won’t like this. I sat back and thought for a minute. Who
Read moreI bounced out of the auditorium, diploma in hand, scanning the crowd for my family. A hand fell on my shoulder and the familiar voice of my dad boomed over my head, “Welcome to the
Read moreI hate conflict. I always have. Whenever tension enters a situation, I squirm. I’m not sure why I have that reaction since I didn’t grow up in an argumentative home. I can probably blame being a
Read moreThis weekend we celebrate the unfathomable: the Son of God’s sinless and selfless life on earth, His sacrifice and substitutionary death for our sin, and His defeat of death, hell and the grave. His resurrection
Read moreThe steam rising from my coffee cup mirrored the steam rising from my bad attitude. “I just can’t believe she’d say something like that,” I fumed. “What in the heck is wrong with people?” “Yeah,”
Read moreWhen you think about goal setting and resolutions, what phrases or questions come to mind? This popular Stilwell family saying causes our children to cringe: “If you aim at nothing, you’ll hit it every time.”
Read moreMy work as an associate hospital chaplain introduces me to situations that break my heart, especially as I make rounds on the Oncology floor. The holidays can be sad, lonely times for patients and their families.
Read moreNorman Rockwell images roll through my head over the holidays, particularly the Freedom From Want painting: the perfect table setting, a large extended family gathered as Grandfather watches Grandmother place an enormous turkey on the
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