Cindy K. Sproles is a speaker, author, and conference teacher. She is the co-founder of and and Christian Devotions Ministries. Cindy is also the co-founder of WRAMS (Write Right Author Mentoring Service) where she works with Lori Marett and Ann Tatlock in mentoring writers). Cindy is a best-selling, award-winning author with two of her latest novels being named Novel of the Year by the Christian Book Market. Cindy has her hand in various projects but her love of teaching new writers stands above the rest. She is an Appalachian-born and raised gal, proud of her heritage and happy to share it at any time. Cindy lives in the foothills of East Tennessee with her husband and son.
Diversity seems to be the new buzzword. Please, don’t misunderstand. I’m not being snide. Recognition of diversities should have been happening for centuries, but I have to wonder, how long will the buzz last before
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By Cathy Mayfield CHANGE WAS BEGINNING Before my eyes, change happened. And so, her nonfiction fairytale came true. The wedding guests went home. The decorations dismantled. The couple left for the rest of their lives.
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Fresh snow covers the ground outside my window, sparkling in the sunshine. My children are planning skiing trips, ice-skating parties and sledding expeditions. The grandchildren bundle up in their snowsuits and mittens to shuffle trails
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“Dine with me.” That’s the month of November. A time of family, friends, and food. The culinary extravaganza of the holidays begins! Food menus are planned, and the shopping and cooking tasks explode: my sons’
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Natalie Grant and her new song – CLEAN
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Worship this morning with Chris Tomlin and Our God. There is none greater than OUR GOD. He is the God of all things. The Creator. The Provider. Mighty. Majestic. Awesome. Faithful. Loving. Who could ask
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On this day of worship, take time to listen and pray. Worship along with Hillsong and What a Beautiful Name. Video courtesy of and Hillsong
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Guest Post by Betts Baker Sometimes getting rest can be as simple as giving up our own agenda and slowing down — a truth a baby taught me. We lived abroad when our first child
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Grace – a foundation strong and stable All that’s profitable rests upon it Faith in Christ’s finished work From this cruel cross blossoms grow Like Aaron’s rod Its petals are life-giving When we build upon
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