We can read all the books we can get our hands on, but if we don’t have our hearts right, then it will be difficult for us to be the leader God is calling us to be.
Read moreThe Heart of A Leader

We can read all the books we can get our hands on, but if we don’t have our hearts right, then it will be difficult for us to be the leader God is calling us to be.
Read moreLife isn’t always easy and over the years I’ve realized that I sometimes need others to stand with me, be with me, work with me, cry with me, laugh with me, and just hang out on the shelf called life with me.
Read moreAs we go through these days of new routines, new concerns, new priorities (who would have ever thought we would be planning trips to the stores early just to get toliet paper!!!!) may we stop and spend time with the ONE who knows all, knows our future, and is in control. We need to seek Him and let Him fill us with His Spirit–for that is where we will find our true PEACE.
Read moreWhen I think about my future plants that I will be enjoying this year, I’m reminded of the Master Gardener—the One who with His hands fashioned not only the world, but also me.
Read more“You’re like a hard, old crusty sponge.” Did I hear that right? Did my longtime friend just call me a hard, old crusty sponge? “You know, like you’re so hard from life’s circumstances that it
Read moreAs we move away from the Birthday of our nation and all the fireworks and cookouts, may we not only remember and thank the men and women — like my father-in-law — for what they gave for our freedom, but Jesus Christ for what He gave for our ultimate freedom.
Read moreAre you in the middle of chaos right now? It could be chaos from a difficult situation that has you held captive or it could even be a good situation—a blissful event that’s happening in your life but it’s still causing busyness and stress.
Read more“ . . . the Lord was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake. After the earthquake came a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after
Read moreWhen life gets hectic we sometimes have to be reminded of God’s great love and today, Valentine’s Day, is a perfect day to do just that.
Read moreIt’s not easy, and when you walk into a cold situation you want to grab your coat, scarf and mittens and run out the door, but we as Christ followers are different. We need to sit an example to others and do what Jesus would do in that situation.
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