My wife and I do not have children. But we do have a precious little dog named Muy-Muy. He is now a fourteen-and-a-half-year-old Maltese, known to be the smartest breed of small dogs. Muy-Muy loves to play. Sometimes my wife and I will get on our hands and knees and crawl on the carpeting. Our eleven-pound white fur ball then races around the room sailing between our legs while barking. He also loves to sleep with us in our bed. Muy-Muy always follows us around the house, while we go about our day.
We can’t leave him for long periods of time because he gets lonely. In the beginning, we left him at our home for a while and learned from a neighbor that he howled the entire time. When we returned, he licked our faces with excitement, panted and jolted back and forth. We have come to see that our little dog is very much dependent upon us, not only for his survival, but for his emotional well-being.
Dependence Upon the Father
Similarly, God wants us to be dependent upon Him. Like children who look to their parents, we are to look to our Heavenly Father. He is the wellspring where we find all that matters. He is our source of joy, freedom, significance, sustenance, and love. We are to follow Him instinctively.
Thankfully, all is not serious business with God; He too wants to play with us. He enjoys our company; He relishes in our fellowship with Him. And we can find delight in the Maker of our souls.
When we are away from Him, we should long to come back to the Lord. A desire to spend time with our Master should well up within us. Our walk with God is to stem from a deep relationship with Him. This develops through consistent prayer and Bible reading. It also comes from living a life that is obedient to God’s word and to the Holy Spirit.
Daddy God
Those who have not had a positive father figure in their life may find it harder to embrace our Father God. But our Lord wants to reveal Himself to all His children as the one who will wipe away every tear and who will mentor us, enabling us to be all that we can be for Him. He is Abba, which means Daddy God. This is what Jesus called Him, and we can find the freedom to do the same.
Supporting Scriptures
“Abba, Father,” he said, “everything is possible for you. Take this cup from me. Yet not what I will, but what you will.” Mark 14:36 NIV
The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by him we cry, “Abba, Father.” Romans 8:15 NIV
Because you are his sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, “Abba, Father.” Galatians 4:6 NIV
The word Abba appears three times in the New Testament (See above). It is an Aramaic word that translates as Daddy or Pappa. It is an endearing expression of love to our Father in Heaven. Jesus prays this way as does the apostle Paul. We are encouraged to pray with childlike dependence upon God our Father (see Romans 8:15).
No Condemnation
It’s important that we understand that because of what Jesus did on the cross, our sins are forgiven. We are not separated from God. The veil in the temple has been torn. We have free access into God’s presence, and we can now come boldly to the throne of grace to make our requests known. God’s forgiveness delivers us from living under a cloud of condemnation. God loves us and we can fellowship with Him and relate to Him as Abba Father.
The Bible says that because Jesus died and rose again, those that believe on Him are made righteous. 2 Corinthians 5:21 NKJV says” For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.” This means that we can approach God without condemnation. We don’t come arrogantly but humbly, and from this posture we can receive His unconditional love.  At times, He corrects us, but He always does it with a heart of love.
When we know God this way, it becomes easy to hear His voice, and it becomes natural to relate to him in an honest and loving way.
Let’s Ask the Lord
Let’s ask the Lord to renew our relationship with Him. As we draw near to Him, He will draw near to us. Let’s relate to Him as our Abba, Father. We don’t necessarily have to use the term “Abba” in our prayers to Him. It’s not the terminology that matters. What is important is the attitude of our hearts. God loves it when we see him as our close Father. He desires for us to depend on Him like a child in a living and loving relationship or like an affectionate puppy with his or her Master.
For further reading:Â
I am a cat mom and have learned souch.of Papa Hodd love for me through their annoying and rebellious behaviors! Yet have no fear so as to sleepin my lap.
Good word todau
I grew up with cats. They are different from dogs, but they both are goid company. Thank you!
My dogs teach me so much. Thanks for sharing your wise dog’s perspective.
You are welcome. They really can teach us.