by Nan Jones @NanJonesAuthor
The stars shone crisp against the black velvet sky. A chill in the air wrapped around me, teasing me with its accompanying shivers, but I didn’t care. I stood mesmerized. Weariness had threatened to overtake me, but I was clinging to the One in whom I had believed.
Pulling my hands from my pockets, I clasped them to my chest, slowly tilted my head back and stared with awe at the night sky.
It was Christmas Eve.
Oh, Lord! Could the night you were born have been anything like this?

The air was still. Silent. But I heard music deep within my spirit — the words and melody of a familiar Christmas carol: “Oh holy night! The stars are brightly shining. It is the night of the dear Savior’s birth!”
The Spirit of God quickened within me. I felt His presence. I pondered His great love.
“A thrill of hope, the weary world rejoices … “
Oh my goodness! The Lord reminded me of my tears from the day before — tears of loss. Tears of “less than”. Tears of weariness. Yes, that was it. I cried a river of weariness.
But under this starlit sky, a peace that passes all understanding washed over me. My soul felt its worth in the arms of my Savior. I could rise above the weariness and rejoice — truly rejoice because the Light of Christ was shining brightly in my darkness.
Is your world weary? Are you at your wit’s end?
“Through the tender mercy of our God, the Dayspring [Messiah] from on high has visited us; to give light to those who sit in darkness and the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace.” ~ Luke 1:78-79
He is with us. Jesus — Emmanuel — has drenched our darkness with the glorious light of the presence of God. In the face of Jesus is the Glory of God. He is with us. He is for us. He preserves us, and upholds us, and sustains us with His love.
[bctt tweet=”Jesus has drenched our darkness with His glorious light. @NanJonesAuthor #DarknessToLight” username=”inspireafire”]
I put my hands back into my pockets and searched the heavens with an awakened heart. Lord, open my eyes that I might see and know the power of Your love.
I imagined the stable with its heavenly light. I imagined the cry of the infant Jesus. And I imagined the exultant Gloria Deo ringing out across the heavens — a symphony of joy.
God’s presence warmed me, reassured me, and gave me strength for the journey.
The weary world rejoices! Yes, and amen.
[bctt tweet=”A Thrill of Hope Against a River of Weariness @NanJonesAuthor #depression #Christmas” username=”inspireafire”]