For me, Father’s Day has always been a reminder of what I never had. I lost my father to a car accident when I was a baby. Before I ever knew him. Before I really ever had him.
His absence led me to study other people’s Daddies. I watched them from a distance, taking note of all the traits I needed in a father.
And that is where God met me. In the midst of my little girl questions, He assured me that He would keep the promise made in Psalm 68:5 — “God is father to the fatherless.”
Indeed, He is. Sometimes, I’m amazed at how He does it. I forget that He has the world at His fingertips. That all resources are His, and He is not afraid to use them to touch my life.
In my45-year quest to seek God, as Abba, this is what I’ve learned so far:
He protects.
He provides.
He listens.Â
He heals.Â
He fixes whatever is broken.Â
He lifts me up.Â
He teaches me to dance.Â
He laughs.Â
He sings.Â
He plans.Â
He works on my behalf, tirelessly.Â
He plays.Â
He surprises.Â
He yields.Â
He cautions.Â
He teaches.Â
He forgives.Â
He celebrates.Â
He corrects.Â
He spurs growth.Â
He guides my steps. Â
He repairs.Â
He prepares.Â
He builds.Â
He sacrifices.Â
He grieves.Â
He searches.Â
He understands.Â
He speaks.Â
He whispers.Â
He holds me.Â
He wipes my tears.Â
He opens doors.Â
He closes them.Â
He uses others to reach me.
He comforts.
He cradles.
He desires the best for me.
He says “yes.”
He says “no.”
He asks me to wait.
He creates.
He beckons.
He thrills.
He never hurries.
He adores.
He saves.Â
He is never surprised by my circumstances.
I realize now that I have the advantage. I have the perfect father, never tainted nor marred by any letdowns I may have experienced. And this is more than enough for me.
Thank you, God, for being the perfect father; for meeting me in the darkest of places, and guiding me into the light. For never forgetting me. For all the times I felt overlooked by the world, only to find You there, looking over me.
For the rest of my life, I will live in such a way that makes You proud.
Because You are my Father. Â And I simply adore You.Â