I heard them. It was the gathering of neighborhood kids at the corner near my house. Their voices were louder and louder. Finally, I paused from working at my computer. What was happening?
It was the first day of school.
The kids were waiting for the bus.
Although I couldn’t make out their words, I could imagine their conversations. Some were undoubtedly sharing stories from the summer, comparing notes on vacations, camps, staying up late, and sleeping in the next day…day after day.
I can only imagine their conversations this morning.
Today is the second day of school.
The summer memories are making way for new experiences. Today they will compare notes on classes, teachers, extra-curricular start ups, lunches, and hopes and dreams for this new season.
I’m not at the bus stop, but I share so much with them. I, too, am thankful for a summer rich with family time and relaxation. I, too, look forward to new challenges, new work, and a new season.
There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under the heavens –Â
Ecclesiastes 3:1
What new season are you starting today?