The Day After

I’d like to think that America wasn’t always dividing by party affiliation, but I suspect what’s happening in our country today is nothing new. Or, I should say, what happened yesterday is nothing new.

As I write this, it is noon on Election Day. I have tuned out all the rhetoric I possibly can. Thank you, Lord, for audio books and Pandora. Politics has never been a gentleman’s sport. It is nasty, brutal, and personal.

What saddens me the most is that it even divides those of us who claim to be followers of Christ.

I must confess, I fall into that crowd. I’ve gotten angry at people I’ve prayed with and prayed for. I’ve called politicians names that I would never speak openly, in public. I’ve shared all the insults and out of conte x t quotes on facebook, twitter, and even Pinterest (so far I’m clean on Instagram).

In the end, what will all this complaining get me? Jesus commanded–yes, commanded–us to love one another. I don’t recall party affiliation being a pre-requisite for love.

We live on a temporary Earth. Even taken in the context of known world history, America has only existed for a couple of ticks of the clock. Governments and nations have come before us and vanished. America will one day do the same.

But the Kingdom of Heaven is eternal. It does not bend to political winds. Our Lord made it clear that we are to respect those in leadership. He was speaking to subjects of Rome, Nazi Germany, Communist China, and yes, even the USA. Not once did Jesus, Paul, or any other church leaders of the first century involve themselves in government protest. And they certainly had governments worthy of protest.

So what divides us? Dare I say it is pride? We hold so tightly to our worldly beliefs that we allow them to drive a wedge between us and our brothers and sisters?

Today, as you read this, we have a new government. We should be thankful that we can have a new government every two years without bloodshed. Some of us are happy with the results. Some are dissappointed. More and more, I think, are somewhere in the middle.

But we can all rejoice in the fact that November, 4th, 2014 will be forgotten rather soon. As will every Election Day. When we’re standing on the shore of the River of Life, we’ll shake our heads and wonder what all the fuss was about.

Love one another, my fellow Christians. Every day is a gift.


I am a husband, dad, Christian, and writer. Not necessarily in that order. It took me thirty years to turn my life over to my Redeemer. It's taken another ten to figure out what it is He has in store for me. My first novel, Now I Knew You, will be released in March, 2015. I pray that God will allow me to write many more before calling me home.

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