Casey Arneson stood at the keyboard playing for the Lord at Calvary Chapel Teton Valley, lighting up the sanctuary with his youthful heart and smile. When Casey wasn’t playing music, he had a camera in his hand. It wasn’t until I saw his photographs on line that I realized his eye for the extraordinary.

A year or so later, I began to see more of his work from his trip abroad on Facebook. As a contributor for Inspire a Fire, I felt compelled to submit him for Artist of the Month. It was then that the heart behind the art came full circle for me. In Casey’s own words:

“Men go abroad to wonder at the heights of mountains, at the huge waves of the sea, at the long courses of the rivers, at the vast compass of the ocean, at the circular motions of the stars, and they pass by themselves without wondering. “ – Augustine

The beauty of God’s creation is all around us: jagged mountain peaks, animals of every size and shape, and each human being made in the image of a creative and loving God. My passion is to reveal the beauty of God’s creation in all of its forms.
This passion has taken me around the world and involved me with many ministries. In 2011, I established Captured by Compassion, a non-profit wedding photography service that raises money for children’s charities around the world – such as St. Ameria’s Orphan Care in Uganda.
I began by working in an independent newspaper in Montana, where I discovered my love for nature photography. Then I traveled, published articles and photography from Southeast Asia and the Middle East, and began doing wedding photography on the side.
My heart was primarily for ministry, so I turned my photography into support for missions and poverty relief causes. By selling photography and design services to support myself, I’ve been able to have wedding photography payments donated directly to children’s charities. It has grown to an international level, and now I’m taking photos for weddings across America as well as in Asia and Oceania.Â
People love the photos because they tell a story and their memories are captured organically. At the same time, it’s a relief for them to know their wedding is doing good for others. They receive powerful, memorable wedding photography, and at the same time they provide basic needs and education for children in poverty stricken areas.
Casey just finished a wedding in India, and is now serving in Cambodia, teaching English and music and sharing Christ.
Link up and keep up with Casey:
Wow… amazingly beautiful. Thanks for showcasing this talent, Jenn!
It’s an honor to share Casey’s work, and more important, his HEART! God is raising up a generation that is changing the world!
Praise God!
I love to show how God’s glory is everywhere. How anyone can look at the amazing creativity God gives us everyday anew and not see HIm is amazing to me. I try to show it through my lense. Casey Arenson’s work – inspires me to dig even deeper.
Anything you do unto God is going to produce fruit. Go for it!
Love the beauty this guy bottles up and delivers to our eyes. Thirst quenching.