For years, I’ve known that I have been called to the mission field. More than a decade ago, I received the calling while sitting in church. I cried because I didn’t want to give up my new, (1920s), dream home, my friends, or any of the other things that tether us to this world.
But, I try not to tell God no and so I told my husband what I felt. He said he did not feel such a call. Together, we made an appointment to talk to our pastor.
The pastor told me that if my husband was not called, then neither was I at this time. He didn’t argue that I’d heard from God, just on how I was supposed to act on it. He explained there were mission fields right here in this country and suggested I plug myself into one of them, which I did.
While reading the book of Galatians, I came upon a verse where Saul, (Paul), is met on the road to Damascus by Jesus who has told him he will be the one to bring the gospel to the gentiles.
Paul said, “I consulted no man.” He went and did what he was told.
This website is one of the way’s we are ministering to God’s people and sharing the gospel ‘to the ends of the earth’. Our mission field at this time is the internet. We are fulfilling our calling in this way.
Some of you, no, all of you who are followers of Christ have been called to share the gospel. It is the great commission meant for all of us.
What are you waiting for? What or where is your mission field? It could be your school, workplace, Ethiopia, the inner city, rescue mission, prison. Pray for God to tell you.
If you’ve been praying for years and haven’t received a clear answer, I can give you one. Orphans and widows. God says in His word that serving them is true religion.
If not now, when? We are not promised tomorrow. Will you stand before God a week from now with nothing to show?
The harvest is now. Pick up your sickle.
Yes, you.
Love this post. Thank you, Gina!
So true, Gina. If not now, when? Lovely post.
Wow, powerful! Thank you for sharing the truth, whether we want to hear it or not. 🙂
Timely, so timely, Gina. Thank you for this nice article. My sister became a widow yesterday, and it’s time to witness and love, again.