Spectacular mountains and canyons, gorgeous rivers and forests, astonishing animals all over the world. I’ve always wanted to see the entire world and all its splendor. The wonders of the world whisper to our souls, Come be awed by God’s creativity.

The wonders of the world are for our pleasure and our stewardship. A gift from God to the people made for his good pleasure. But they’re also completely capable of crying out praises to God should his people forget him.
The wonders of the world are a testament to the Lord’s creativity. A testament. Something that serves as a sign or evidence of a specified fact or event. Even the rocks will cry out!

I look at the rocks of the mountains, the beauty, the grandeur. They cry out of God’s sovereign creativity, of his power, and of his love. How much he must love us to create such an amazing planet for our home. And yet, God has another gift waiting. A gift of unbelievable beauty. A gift we cannot with our earthly eyes and mind absorb. The city of Heaven.
If this world holds such amazing beauty, imagine a place that never degrades. A place of streets so clear you can see through them and a home filled with the gorgeous light of true love. The wonders of this world will be as dust in comparison. We’ll be so overcome with awe that we’ll cry out in ecstacy, praise, for the One who created Heaven and will allow us to be there with him–because God loves us.
Look around you for the signs of the Lord who loves you. See the beauty of the sky, the stunning seasons, the intricacy of the animal hierarchy. Open the eyes and ears of your heart. Do you hear it? Do you hear creation crying out praise to the Lord?