Most writers and lovers of poetry are familiar with George Ella Lyons poem Where I’m From. In a series of short simple phrases she captures her heritage and stirs vivid pictures of her youth.
We’re all from somewhere, aren’t we? There are a few pieces of my family history I’d like to forget. (I’m guessing you feel the same.) But I look back on many of my everyday childhood experiences as tremendous gifts.
The conglomeration of the good, the bad and the every day things played a role in molding me into the adult I am today.
I can’t drink a cup of tea without thinking about sitting at Grandma’s table with my cousins and our little Tupperware tea set.
I can’t smell pot roast without thinking of Sunday dinners after church.
I can’t see a hand sewn dress without thinking of my mom working at her sewing table.
I’m now a 40-year-old wife and the mom of three energetic, ever-growing man children who keep me on my toes. It’s my turn to provide a household environment that will leave my kids with warm memories of being loved and of serving Jesus. My memories of family and faith laid a foundation for what I want my own family to look like.
Below is my version of the poem Where I’m From.
Where I’m From by Kim Harms
I am from a wood-burning stove and a sprawling yard on the outskirts of town where one blinking red stoplight hangs over middle mainstreet and cornfields grow as far as the eye can see.
I am from hardworking calloused hands, a father who wanted a good life for his kids. I am from soft gentle hands, a seamstress mother who with quiet strength passed her faith to her children.
I am from Saturday tea with Grandma and Sunday pot roast after worship. I am from raspberry bushes, rhubarb crisp, sweet corn and green beans. From cousins aplenty, hand sewn dresses, slumber parties, and Friday night football games. I am from hot summer days and cold winter nights. A place where my dreams were born and grown but sent elsewhere to be realized.
Where are you from? Did family memories from your childhood provide inspiration for the way you lead your own family?
What a lovely post, Kim! You’re quite the poet. You stirred sweet memories of my own as I read through your vivid descriptions of childhood. I may have to write my own version of George Ella Lyon’s poem. You’ve inspired me!
Thank you. You should definitely write one. It’s a good challenge.
Enjoyed this article, Kim. We each have memories lingering in our mind from family heritage and sentiments. Well said. Blessings!
Thanks so much, Karen!
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