The sooner we stop believing the lie that we must offer some grand gesture to make a difference, the sooner more souls will find true rest⎯the kind of rest a loving heavenly Father desires for His children.
Consider for a moment the last time someone’s gesture warmed your heart. Was it a grand gesture or a simple one? While grand gestures are to be celebrated along with the simpler ones, I think many more hearts are warmed by a sincere hug, a timely word of encouragement, or a small but meaningful gift.
Today, I’d like to share three ways we can take a simple mug, fill it with encouragement, and use it for God’s glory.
3 Ways to Fill A Mug With Encouragement
My love of mugs began way back when in a yellow-clad kitchen where my grandmother savored her morning cups of Yuban coffee served up in a thick-rimmed Homer Laughlin coffee cup. You might remember those cups from roadside diners or Howard Johnson motels back in the 60’s. These coffee cups with heft can still be spotted in local antique shops and estate sales. If this isn’t an option any thicker mug will do.
Here’s the question: Who are you praying for on a regular basis these days? Consider inserting a note inside a mug that says something like…Every time you sip from this gift, remember that just as this mug surrounds your coffee, my prayers surround you. You are loved, never forgotten. {Psalm 125:2}
Got a new neighbor? Go ahead and bake up those chocolate chip cookies but this time, stack them and place in a mug of your choosing, along with a simple note welcoming them to your neighborhood. Because summertime isn’t a friend to chocolate, you’ll want to drop this off when your neighbor is at home. It will also give you a chance to personally welcome them!
Who couldn’t use a God-kiss from time-to-time? Okay, God didn’t manufacture them but Hershey’s did, and we know all good things come from Him. {Pardon the stretch.} Nevertheless, we all know someone who could use an edible tangible reminder that God is with them right there, in the thick of their problem. Fill up a mug with Hershey’s chocolate kisses along with this note:
God Kisses
Taste and see that the LORD is good. Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in him! Psalm 34:8
Each time you take a kiss be reminded of God’s goodness… and name each one aloud.
For all of the above mug ideas, remember to encourage the recipient to pass it on. But most importantly, stay sensitive to the Spirit’s leading. He may want to change it up…and if so, to God be the glory!
Is there one of the three above ideas that resonates with you today? Or do you have additional ideas to share? If so, please share in the comment section. Thank you!