A Note from Alycia Morales, Senior Editor of Inspire a Fire:
As an American, there are several luxuries of life I take for granted on a daily basis. Clean drinking water isn’t a luxury. It’s a basic need for survival. One that many people throughout the world live without. And die without. As I read the statistics and hear the stories of how Living Water International is changing the world by providing that necessity for life, I am moved with compassion. My question as to why so many nations still suffer under oppression and poverty when we’ve advanced so far in our own nation has been answered by this post. “Water management is a key factor in the global battle to remove the scourge of extreme poverty and to build secure and prosperous lives for hundreds of millions of people in the developing world.” You’ll read that quote again below.
All it takes is a few people with a heart to see the lives of many changed. Please consider making a donation to Living Water International as you watch the video below. Here are a few bits of information for you in the meantime:
In sub-Saharan Africa alone, 40 billion hours of labor are wasted each year carrying water over long distances.
Access to clean water is the foundation for other forms of development. Without easy access to water that is safe, countless hours are spent in water collection, household income is spent on purchasing water and medical treatment for water-related diseases. These factors contribute to keeping people trapped in poverty.

The statistics indicate a two-way relationship between extreme poverty and lack of access to safe water. More than a billion people live on less than a dollar a day, including the vast majority of those without access to safe water.
“Water management is a key factor in the global battle to remove the scourge of extreme poverty and to build secure and prosperous lives for hundreds of millions of people in the developing world.” – World Health Organization, 2007
Go to Living Water International to see how you can help break the cycle of poverty around the globe.
Courtesy of Living Water International