Is there a volume button for the world?
I wear a title in my family. Noise manager. I frequently send out memos to my people requesting they make adjustments to the loudness.
Turn the TV down.
Please, lower your voice.
Your music’s too loud.
But I seem to have misplaced the remote control. When I find myself smack dab in the middle of the world’s noise—among the clamor and racket—I search for an escape. I even want to run away. But where do I go? How can I rise above the noise…the roar?
Restless in a Noisy World
There’s so much noise tugging at my heart these days. Twirling in my head. The loudness of it all drowns out the quiet.
A gazillion shouting voices. And the words spill out on social media. Rhetoric screams on every street corner.
This is the right path, come this way.
No, listen to us. Our road is the one you want to take.
Ignore the others. We have the answer you’re looking for.
Like the thump of concert speakers, the world’s rhythm is heavy and strong. A rumbling echo replaces the noiseless calm.
Searching for a Volume Button
So, I’m thrown into a restless state. And I want to send a memo out. Wishing to do a little shouting of my own from the sidelines.
Enough already! Be quiet! Please!
I search for a volume button to the world…to life. If I could just find it and turn the decimals down as far as they can go—to nothing. No sound. Only hush.
Maybe the quiet and calm would come. A stillness my spirit desperately needs.
Silently still—I want to feel it in my bones.
A Quiet Place with Christ
Christ relayed the importance a quiet place to His closest followers. After He sent the apostles out for ministry work, they returned with a mission report.
“Then Jesus said, ‘Let’s go off by ourselves to a quiet place and rest awhile.’ He said this because there were so many people coming and going that Jesus and his apostles didn’t even have time to eat. So they left by boat for a quiet place, where they could be alone” Mark 6:31-32 NLT.
But when the crowds saw Christ and the apostles depart, they ran on ahead by foot to the other side of the shore. So, the boat ride became the only restful and quiet place to be alone. And to be with Jesus.
Whether it’s the hustle and bustle of our work day, ministry, or socializing with friends in person and online, Christ calls us to “rest awhile.” And He extends an invitation.
[bctt tweet=”Let’s go off by ourselves to a quiet place. ~ Jesus” username=”inspireafire”]
Time alone with Christ. It’s the volume button to turn down a noisy world.
*Images courtesy of Adobe Spark.
Great post, Karen. I often find myself yearning for His peace and quiet. It’s difficult to find in this noisy world–a world the enemy finds very pleasing. I’m grateful God provides my needed moments of quiet. And that He’s provided friends like you who remind me to seek Him.
Bruce, thanks for your comment and words of truth. Yes, we can all relate to the noisy atmosphere of culture. I’m so grateful that when we’re restless from the noise that surrounds us on every side, there’s a remedy to “rest awhile” with Christ. Blessings!