“The voice of the Spirit is as gentle as a zephyr, so gentle that unless you are living in perfect communion with God, you never hear it. The checks of the Spirit come in the most extraordinary gentle way, and if you are not sensitive enough to detect His voice you will quench it, and your personal spiritual life will be impaired. His checks always come as a still small voice, so small that no one but the disciple notices them.” ~ Oswald Chambers
My spirit awakened within me as I read these words from My Utmost for His Highest. I read them over and over. Slowly. With great concentration. I didn’t want to miss what God wanted to show me.
God’s Message in a Gentle Breeze
The air had been still as I sat on my porch, even though I knew storms were brewing from the west. But as I considered the wisdom of Oswald Chambers, a soft gentle breeze began to blow, stirring the air ahead of the storm.

I sat quietly before the Lord and considered His ways.
Chambers said, “the voice of the Spirit is as gentle as a zephyr …” A zephyr is a light, refreshing breeze. That was exactly what I experienced while sitting on my porch reading his words.
I thought about the gentleness of the breeze. The refreshing. Even its delight on this warm spring day.
And I thought about the tenderness of God as He leads us by His Spirit and nudges us in the paths of righteousness.
How He rides on the wings of the wind and is with us always.
AND how He is always speaking if we will only learn to listen.
[bctt tweet=”I thought about the tenderness of God as He leads us by His Spirit and nudges us in the paths of righteousness. @NanJonesAuthor #FindingGodsPresence #HearingGodsVoice” username=”@inspireafire”]
I leaned back in the wicker chair weathered by the sun. Closing my eyes, I thought about the Lord — His goodness, His intervention, His Redemptive power in my life and family.
And then I listened.
As I listened, I was reminded of the impending storms coming in from the west. I knew the Lord was showing me one of His principles through the soft and gentle breeze preceding today’s storms.
His spirit — His still small voice — precedes our storms … if we’ll listen. The Lord goes before us to prepare a way, especially with the impending storms.
God Has His Way in the Storms. I Have No Need to Fear Them.
I’m learning to not be afraid of what lies ahead — God has His way in the storms. I have no need to fear them. He rides on the wings of the wind! The clouds are the dust of His feet as He rushes to respond to His child in need.

So … I’m learning not to fear the storms.
And I’m trying to learn to be thankful in the difficult places.
There is much to be thankful for at all times: He is with us always. He is near to the brokenhearted and those crushed in spirit. He fights our battles for us. He goes before us to lead the way and sends goodness and mercy to be our rear guards, following us all the days of our lives.
His love remains. For that I am thankful.
Even when circumstances are challenging.
[bctt tweet=”His love remains, especially when circumstances are challenging. @NanJonesAuthor #Coronavirus #GodIsGood #ChildOfGod” username=”@inspireafire”]
I don’t ever want to quench His voice because I am focused more on my difficult places than on Him. I don’t ever want to miss Him passing by in the soft gentle breeze or His delicate whispers as He pursues me with His love.
When a soft gentle breeze drifts across our mountains preceding approaching storms, I will remind myself to be still and remember that God is with me. I will listen and not be afraid. I’m not in the storm alone.
And neither are you.
[bctt tweet=”A Voice as Soft as a Gentle Breeze @NanJonesAuthor #BeyondTheVeil #DontBeAfraid #WhereIsGod” username=”@inspireafire”]
Thanks for the encouraging words, Nan.