“Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.” James 1:2-4
Hiking a mountain always seems like a good idea when you are on flat ground. Usually half way up I question why I thought it would be a good idea to go on such a climb.
I am living and working in Colorado this summer and there are beautiful mountains everywhere. There is a decently high mountain behind the ministry where I am working called Red Mountain. Two fellow staff girls and I decided to climb to the top one chilly morning.
The first twenty minutes of climbing was strait up and all I could do was keep my eyes on my feet and focus on not falling. After we got past the first part I realized I should have brought a bigger water bottle. The mountain was clustered with trees so although I could see we were climbing higher, I could still only focus on the path ahead of me.
I like to think that I have good endurance, but sometimes all I can focus on is surviving the next step. For the final assent to the top of Red Mountain we had to climb up some large red rocks. After we pulled ourselves up we were greeted by one of the most spectacular views.
The view from the top was absolutely breathtaking. As we basked in the beauty of God’s creation, I was amazed how the difficult parts of the journey were forgotten.
As September gets closer and closer, the reality of leaving for the World Race and being away from my family and friends for almost a year is sinking in more and more. I have never been on a trip this long and I imagine endurance will be a big part of the journey.
As I was sitting on the top of Red Mountain I realized that so many journeys are like that trip up the mountain. You cannot really appreciate the view until you reach the top. If I had turned around half way up I would not have gotten to experience the true beauty found at the end of the journey. The view at the top was worth every difficult step.
I don’t know what my journey is going to look like. I know there will be difficult steps, but I am praying for the endurance to press through to experience the amazing things God has planned.
Climbing to the top of Red Mountain also reminded me that the one who created that incredible view holds my future in His hands. What an amazing thing to know the one who created the mountains knows our every need.
Somehow I missed this when it posted, but God’s timing is always perfect! What another wonderful and timely message to press on with
what God calls you to do, no matter how difficult. No matter how unpleasant, or seemingly hopeless, HE’s got a “view from the top” that’s worth the maze and struggle to get there. Afterall, HE IS THERE!!! He sees all and knows all, because He is all!
Blessings, and I hope to see you between these 2 stages of life~