Would we pray more if we knew they were prayers to unleash God’s power in our lives, our family, and in the world?
Because we need reminding how God’s supernatural ability far outweighs human efforts.
And we only tap into His ability through prayer.
Still further, the world needs prayer.
Prayers for political and racial unrest, repentance, and to draw our hearts back to God as a people.
Finally, we need prayers for unbelievers to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
So we pray these 6 prayers to unleash God’s ability:
P – Praise a living and powerful God.
Heavenly Father, I praise You. You alone are God and worthy of all glory. Splendor and majesty surround Your throne. I magnify Your holy and matchless name. I worship Your beauty. There is no god like my God.
All of creation declares praise to the Almighty God of heaven and earth! Holy is Your name!
R – Repent of sin in actions, words, and thoughts: Prayers to Unleash.
Lord, forgive me of my sins. Sometimes I say, think, or do things unpleasing to You. I ask You to give me a desire to repent often and quickly. And help me repent of any missteps against You and others.
Furthermore, forgive me for going my own way and relying on my own wisdom. Instead, I desire to seek Your counsel, God, and walk in obedience to You and Your Word.
I repent of any acts of injustice, dissension, discord, division, envy, jealousy, impurity, anger, rivalry, racism, or strife.
Empower me to live godly in an ungodly culture. And strengthen me to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with You (Micah 6:8).
A – Acknowledge the Lord is in control.
Father, the world continues to spin out of control. Chaos and a lack of peace surrounds the globe. But remind me that You are still on Your throne and in control no matter what I see, hear, and experience; no matter who holds earthly offices.
Because in an uncertain world, Lord, You are my undeniable hope, an unshakable anchor for my soul.
God, I acknowledge Your complete Lordship in my life, You sit on the throne of my heart. So I hand the reins over to You. Then, You reign supreme. Help me lay down my agenda and pick up Your will.
Y – Yearn for the work of the Holy Spirit: Prayers to unleash.
Holy Spirit, You are welcome in my heart and life. Come commune with my spirit. Give my prayers an intimate connection to the triune God.

Overcome the works of the flesh in me and replace them with the sweetness of Your fruit. Cleanse me. Renew a right spirit in me. Reveal truth and let it cancel out the world’s falsehood.
Holy Spirit, fall fresh on me. Set my heart on fire to share the gospel, live by the Spirit, walk in the Spirit, and keep in step with the Spirit—both offline and online.
Draw my lost loved ones to Jesus for salvation. Open their spiritually blind eyes to the gospel. And help me water where seeds are planted or plant where no seed is sown in my community and any place I am called to go.
E – Equip for warfare.
Jesus, thank You for not only coming to give me eternal life, but to also gift me with abundant life. A life the enemy wants to destroy and steal from me.
Let resurrection power rise up in me to recognize the schemes of the devil. Since You stand as Victor, the victory belongs to me and overcomes the deception of the evil one.
Help me to dress daily in the armor of God. Then, the fiery darts of the enemy fail to adversely affect my heart, mind, relationships, and how I see others. Even those I disagree with or who are different than me.
R – Remember what God has done: Prayers to unleash.
Lord, help me remember Your great works. Assure me that You work behind the scenes on my behalf even when it appears nothing good is happening. Although my circumstances don’t change, let me see Your footprints—how goodness and mercy always follow me.
Remind me, Lord, how You moved mountains, parted seas, sent mana from heaven, faithfully led Your people in the wilderness, and always provided. And help me remember You’ll do it again for me. Your faithfulness is past, present, and future tense.
In the name of Jesus. Amen.
Images courtesy of Canva.
Also see, 32 Facts About God to Celebrate.
Diana, we need reminding how God’s supernatural ability far outweighs human efforts.