It is the other
in your brother
that makes the hood interesting.
Spices from the window,
music in the air,
all the names of God in dialects.
What the missing fathers miss
we are to fill in spades,
holy hearts flashing prosperous I.D.s.
Suffer the little children
doesn’t mean be mean.
Ask any mother how.
Walk a mile, search
door to door,
orphans, of all ages, want you home.
Will Schmit is a volunteer outreach prison minister for Lifehouse Church in McKinleyville Ca. He is the author of Head Lines A Sixty Day Guide to Personal Psalmistry and Jesus Inside A Prison Minister's Memoir and Training Manual both available at Amazon Books and The website also includes poetry, ministry updates, and music downloads from Bring To Glory a CD of spoken word with coffee house jazz.
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Very nice, Will. Thanks.