Vonda here: As I considered my post for this month’s Inspire a Fire, I kept thinking of those who struggle during July 4th celebrations: Those whose soldiers can’t be thanked because they didn’t come home; those who lost someone during the biggest celebration of America; those whose holiday memories bring the sadness back again. So when I read Gail Cooper’s post on her Facebook page, I knew I wanted to share it with all of you here on Inspire a Fire. Thank you, Gail, for allowing me to repost your powerful words. And for those who are hurting because of loss this July 4th weekend, I pray Gail’s message brings you peace.
Things I’ve Learned from Loss, by Gail Cooper
It’s funny the things that well up inside you after experiencing loss of any kind.
You begin to look at things through a different lens and you rarely take things for granted.
But why does it take tragedy to see the beauty in simple things?
After Aaron went home to be with the Lord my senses became acutely aware of things that were going on around me, simple things, every day things.
Happenings I never thought twice about now mean more to me than they had before.
I have learned that life is precious and full of gifts, yet somehow in the past I had overlooked all that God had given me.
The truth is . . . what I once thought were simple gestures, God knew would one day be my greatest gifts.
The time I spent with my son are some of those greatest gifts received in my life that I treasure and cling to.
They never have an expiration date and only become more cherished with time.
Truth be spoken, there are times that I will never understand why things happen.
I still cry, I still feel like a part of me is broken but even so I stand on the promises of The Father because I trust in the faithfulness of our GREAT GOD.
A few things I LEARNED FROM LOSS . . .
❤️Morning goodbye kisses are to be held onto and cherished.
❤️The depth of love is never really lived until you have dealt with loss.
❤️Waiting up for a child to come home is no longer an inconvenience, it’s an honor.
❤️Going the extra mile for others is time well spent.
❤️Folding a loved ones laundry is a luxury.
❤️Childhood writings on the wall become cherished paintings.
❤️We spend way to much time searching for the next best thing that we miss what is in front of us now. Rejoice in the now.
❤️Enjoy life without worrying about tomorrow. Worry kills the beauty of today.
❤️Take time to be with those you love, it is time you’ll never get back.
❤️Trust God in every circumstance even though You may not understand it.
❤️Love, joy and peace are found in the presence of the Father not in the power of self.
And always remember . . .
❤️❤️God does some of his greatest work in the midst of our great pain.
Aaron . . .
You are only a breath away.❤️
Until then,
I am missing you with all of my heart.
Aaron Cooper 12/6/84 – 6/30-7/4/06