Psalm 38:15 For I hope in You, O LORD; You will answer, O Lord my God.
Unbelief is at the root of every wrong reaction.
Failing to believe that the Bible is true or that God intends to keep all His promises or that Christ is truly aware and committed to our circumstances, leads us to compromise.
When we don’t believe He is strong enough, we seek strength elsewhere. When we don’t believe He is listening, we talk to everyone but Him. When we don’t believe He is capable, we take matters into our own hands. Like the childhood song that establishes the consequences of the house built on the sand versus the house built on the rock, we are building our hope on a foundation that will make a world of difference when the rain falls. And the foundation is built via belief.
Belief that God hears our prayers and will intercede for us will lead us to the Psalmist’s conclusion: For I hope in You, O Lord.
Herein is the conflict. We cannot believe what we do not believe. But if we know we should believe something—as outlined in the Word of God—we can ask God to expand our belief until we believe (Mark 9:23–24). And if the belief pleases Him, it will grow immeasurably.
Arriving at trust in God has all the security of weathering a storm in concrete quarters.
Photo by AmandaRaeK