“The Lord will provide.” It’s easy to proclaim these words, but it’s not always easy to live them out. Well, that’s my experience. I confess to struggling in the faith department once in a while. Anybody else? Do you need to know you aren’t alone as you wait for the provision? If you find yourselves in the same camp, needing encouragement to trust He will provide, I pray this article will strengthen your faith in Yahweh Yireh.
The God Who Will Provide
Abraham gave God this name, Yahweh Yireh, in Genesis 22. As he journeyed with his son up the mountain to the place of sacrifice, Isaac realized they were missing something. He carried the wood, and his father carried the fire and knife, but they did not have an animal to sacrifice.
“Where’s the lamb?” he asked.
“God will provide” answered his dad.
Surely as Abraham labored up the mountain his prayers didn’t cease. Maybe he prayed something like, “I trust you Yahweh Yireh. You don’t go back on your promises. You’ve given me this son who will also one day have a son, grandson, great-grandson, and descendants too numerous to count.”
Within Abraham resided crazy faith. But I believe he possessed this faith and could go through this test because he had walked for so long with Yahweh–the covenant God. He’d experienced his miracles– especially the miracle of the long desired and awaited promised son.
Last Minute Provision
God did provide for them. At the very last moment before Abraham’s knife plunged into Isaac’s heart, the angel of the Lord stopped him.
Abraham looked up and there in a thicket he saw a ram caught by its horns. He went over and took the ram and sacrificed it as a burnt offering instead of his son. So Abraham called that place The Lord Will Provide. And to this day it is said, “On the mountain of the Lord it will be provided.”
Last minute. The very. last. minute. But here’s the thing. I don’t think Abraham was expecting God to provide another sacrifice. I think he believed God had another plan. We learn about that in the book of Hebrews, but before we read that scripture, I’ve got to show you something amazing about the ancient word translated as “provide.” It is Raha.
Word Study- Raha
Raha: to see, to understand intellectually, perceive . . . attend to, to discover, to experience.
This word actually means “to see.” But it also means to understand. How powerful that God’s vision means he understands us and will attend to us. The Lord saw Abraham’s actions which proved his faith. He understood Abraham’s heart, and God attended to him. But He did something Abraham didn’t expect.
The Unexpected Provision
As mentioned earlier, the book of Hebrews gives us a glimpse of what Abraham expected:
By faith Abraham, when God tested him, offered Isaac as a sacrifice. He who had embraced the promises was about to sacrifice his one and only son, even though God had said to him, “It is through Isaac that your offspring will be reckoned.” Abraham reasoned that God could even raise the dead, and so in a manner of speaking he did receive Isaac back from death.
Hebrews 11:17-19 NIV
Abraham expected God would keep His promise by resurrecting Isaac. He believed that even if the very worst happened, God would fulfill His promise. Why does this matter? I think this matters because it reminds me that God’s provision will not look like I’ve imagined.
Releasing Expectations
As I type this post, I’m preaching to myself. It’s time for me to let go of the way I think God will provide. I must release my expectations because I might miss the “ram in the thicket” if my ears aren’t open to the voice of the Lord. I must continue to walk by faith and trust His promises. You must too, my friend. Let’s cling to these promises together as we wait for the Provider.
Promised Provision
Philippians 4: 19
And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.
The Philippi church had given an offering to help Paul’s ministry. None of the other churches had given. In this passage, Paul is thanking and commending them for their generosity and then gives them this promise. Can you remember a time when you gave to someone, and God provided for you?
Matthew 6:26
Look at the birds of the air, that they do not sow, nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth much more than they?
Go for a walk today and watch the birds. Thank God for his provision.
Psalm 81:10, 16
“I, the Lord, am your God, Who brought you up from the land of Egypt; Open your mouth wide and I will fill it. . . . But you would be fed with the finest of wheat; with honey from the rock I would satisfy you.”
I really want to sneak into my pantry and eat a spoonful of honey right now. Anyway, look at this promise! God promised Israel complete provision, both healthy bread and sweet honey. All he required was their obedience. This is a key to his provision. Has God been nudging you about anything lately? Is there anything you need to stop doing or go do?
God is so kind. He doesn’t just give us what we need, he also provides dessert!
His Nature
It is his nature. Remember, He’s the creator of the world who made the universe out of nothing and simply spoke our world into existence. He is the God who owns cattle on a thousand hills. He takes care of the birds and catches every tear we cry.
Yahweh Yireh provides peace, protection, grace, and love. He is present. He sees, He knows, and provides from the most basic need, like a dozen eggs — to our salvation. The Bible is filled with his promises which never change. Stand on them. He’s even given us his Spirit. We can’t out give our generous Father-God.
I’m praying us up.
Prayer to Trust
“Dear Father,
Help us trust you! Help us release our preconceived solutions and wait expectantly for the provision we cannot even imagine. Grant us the grace of patience, diligent faith, and untiring hope even when it seems hopeless. You are good and your gifts are good. You’re the God of the honey in the rock, the ram in the thicket, and Jesus, our Savior. You have more than proven your faithfulness. We thank you ahead of time for the way you will provide. You did it for Abraham. You will for us. Amen.”
Other articles on God’s Provision:
Patience can be so hard. Thanks for the reminder, Andy.
Andy, thanks so much for this thoughtful post.
I like that you mentioned “He is the God who owns cattle on a thousand hills. ” Whenever I would drive through the mountains of southwest Virginia, I would see many cows on the mountainside. I would tell my boys that I saw “God’s cows” today.