One of my favorite television shows is Heartland. It reminds me of home, of family, and the struggles we all face in life. But there is something more, there’s the reality that in living this life we have been given we’ve also been assigned a family.
I use the word “assigned” because we don’t get to choose our family. There are days, we don’t get along with our families. We have disagreements and wonder in different directions. Sometimes, those paths take us far away, while others keep us close in geography and in heart.
Then there those in our lives who may not be of blood relation, but they are our family. Sisters and brothers of our hearts, sharing our joys, our grief, and holding on to us in the ups and downs of life—they are our family, too.
If you’ve never watched the show, Heartland I encourage you to watch this episode, especially when you get to the part where Ty is given a stone on the family fireplace.
We were never meant to do this life alone. We are a family, a pillar made of so many different stones, holding each other up. As I think over the years of the places life has taken me and the people God has brought into my life, I could not be more grateful than I am for having known them, been drawn in to become part of their lives, they mine, and have had them to walk along side going forward.
Together we make a family.