I have a friend who is rapturously joyful at the first bug of spring. I about drove off the road once trying to ascertain her sudden gasp until she finally sputtered, “It’s a bug! It’s
Read moreIf February Doesn’t March, April May

I have a friend who is rapturously joyful at the first bug of spring. I about drove off the road once trying to ascertain her sudden gasp until she finally sputtered, “It’s a bug! It’s
Read moreHave you ever wondered how finding hope and strength in every season might change the world? Some days it’s harder than others. I know. I’ve hiked out of enough valleys to realize the topic of
Read moreAh, March is here. I’ve always looked forward to this month. Not because my birthday falls in it. That’s not it. As a youngster, I wished my birthday was later in the year when I
Read moreAfter twenty-seven years, he took off his prison garb and walked out a free man. Nelson Mandela, a lawyer who joined the African National Council (ANC) in 1944, became the national president of the organization
Read moreGermany and its World War I Allies began the practice on April 30, 1916, to conserve energy and daylight. America soon followed suit. When I was a child, I relished the extra daylight hours Daylight
Read moreWhen I think about my future plants that I will be enjoying this year, I’m reminded of the Master Gardener—the One who with His hands fashioned not only the world, but also me.
Read moreI heard that Punxsutawney Phil is predicting an early spring this year. Legend has it that this Pennsylvanian groundhog can predict the approach of spring when he sticks his head out of his den on
Read moreAh, Spring! What a wonderful time of year. Trees budding, flowers opening, sun shining. No – wait – that’s not Spring where I live! (or much of the Eastern United States this year either) March
Read moreI love spring. With it we uncover all the things we’ve had to blanket for the winter. It makes us want to put on our best and step out in the fresh air. Warmer weather
Read moreFor most children in school, the Christmas break seems eons away from September. After Christmas vacation, the Easter break seems like it will never arrive. For me, the worst was always after Easter. Summer vacation
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